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Plopters Over D.C.


I Can Has Leadership!
Out of curiosity, were there sny of you in the division of Plopters that overflew 5-sided Hell this morning, around 1015 or so local?

Don't know if they were Marine or Air Force Plopters.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
I'm guessing Marine. The USAF rarely flies in divisions.

BTW, the best recce clues are the much darker paint on USAF V-22s and the radome on their noses.


Registered User
Believe it was USMC. a notice was sent out on the computer advisory system that said a flight of USMC MV-22's would be flying over.


I Can Has Leadership!
I saw the notice... don't remember it specifying which service they belonged to. But then I just skim it for the type to see if it's something I want to leave my desk for.

Feet Wet

New Member
Flyover for former ACMC. Kind of ironic, but every other TMS was on their collective asses, so the platform with 80 percent readiness got yet another flyover frag....kinda deflates Osprey haters in the process. Keep calling them plopters too, as that shows everyone's maturity level when talking about a platform that will fare extremely well in the the upcoming cuts. If you haven't read the former ACMC's bio, give it a look. True American through and through.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Keep calling them plopters too, as that shows everyone's maturity level....
What's the matter? Your pussy hurt? Feeling bloated? Here, maybe these will help...



I Can Has Leadership!
Keep calling them plopters too, as that shows everyone's maturity level

It's not exactly a plane, it's not exactly a helicopter... it's something completely different! It's a Plopter! What else are we going to call it? I'm open to suggestion. I guess I'll have to stop calling the Prowler an Electric Drumstick...

Ok... I'm being an ass... but I did rather get a kick out of seeing 4 Plopters fly over the Pentagon. Highlight of my day. Wouldn't mind being a Plopter pilot...

Wonder how many more times I can use Plopter in this post?



More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Flyover for former ACMC. Kind of ironic, but every other TMS was on their collective asses, so the platform with 80 percent readiness got yet another flyover frag....kinda deflates Osprey haters in the process. Keep calling them plopters too, as that shows everyone's maturity level when talking about a platform that will fare extremely well in the the upcoming cuts. If you haven't read the former ACMC's bio, give it a look. True American through and through.

Plopter. Lighten up, Francis.


Well-Known Member
...every other TMS was on their collective asses, so the platform with 80 percent readiness got yet another flyover frag...

Nice spin, but let me try an objective view as to why the plopters were fragged with the flyover:

It could be argued that since there are so many plopters on the East Coast, they were the vehicle of choice. Or, perhaps it had something to do with the "legs" of the plopter as opposed to the other birds in New River/Cherry Point. Or, perhaps the frag married up with some sort of training requirements. Or, perhaps it had something to do with the availability of other platforms to support such a frag (i.e., no "white space" due to training, workups, deployments, etc).

Or (and I'm just spitballing here...) the climate of 2012 dictates that the plopter should do high-profile flyovers.

I do not know the answer to why the plopter was chosen, nor do I care (though, based on the timing of your post, I suspect you may have some insight). Those decisions are made way above the pay grade of anybody on this forum. Somebody decided that the plopter should do the flyover, and TheBubba (who witnessed it) asked if anyone here knew anything about it. Please note that the six posts before yours were strictly informational, and consisted of no "hating."

That said, if you want to talk about "maturity level," consider this: Who is the one who hasn't posted since October 2010, yet decided that a thread regarding the plopter flyover for ACMC was the time and place to complain about people with legitimate questions calling your airframe a plopter? What kind of constructive discussions regarding your community have you engaged in since then? Other plopter drivers on this site have taken the time to discuss their aircraft, its capabilities and limitations, and the current state/future of the community...and, might I add, none of them have complained about calling it a "plopter."

Speaking of your community, I'm going to quote you for a second: "...it must have been pretty f'n embarrassing to EVERYONE involved in the process of fielding this A/C. Way over budget, way off timeline, ridiculous requirement requests, etc..." While you were talking about the VH-71, please try to convince me that the same comments could not be said about your aircraft...which is still not fully fielded 29 years after Bell and Boeing were awarded their initial contracts, and 23 years after its awe-inspiring first flight. While the plopter may be the aircraft of choice for the Corps, don't pretend like your airframe is all Choker Whites and Dinings Out.

FWIW, I'm a plopter "hater," inasmuch as I hate the Shitter (oops - I mean the CH-53D/E...sorry, don't want to offend anyone), the Carolina/Yuma Lawn Dart (dammit, I mean AV-8B...), or any of the other aircraft that I don't fly. While I will never drink the plopter kool-aid, I will say this: Since the Corps has decided that we're going Full Plopter (just like we went Full Phrog after the -34 was phased out), I wish nothing but the best for the plopter community. While it took a long time to come to fruition, I hope it is a safe, reliable platform flown by competent, well-trained crews.

Our Marines deserve nothing less.

Oh yeah...PLOPTER.


Well-Known Member
Ploptering does not sound as cool as Choppering.

I must hate plopters even though I flew a Hummer and a Shithawk.

Sent from my PH44100 using Tapatalk

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Plopters represent an enormous upgrade in flyover capability over legacy platforms. There is literally no other Marine aircraft on the east coast capable of executing such a complex, difficult, and dangerous mission. This flyover will forever put to rest any past criticism of the plopter, and he is completely justified in beating his chest over this accomplishment.