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President Obama apparently no better for Gitmo detainees


Dirty Hinge

"Andrew Wander, a media fellow with legal charity Reprieve, works on Al Jazeera's Public Liberties and Human Rights Desk." (wanted to include background on author of article...not completely un-biased...)


These guys basically claim that since President Obama took over things have gotten WORSE in Gitmo, rather than better.

I, personally, think these guys should feel lucky to even be alive. One even has the gall to complain about losing weight during his hunger strike...well "No Shit Sherlock!"

I think the reality of the situation has impressed itself upon the current administration...one more promise to their loyal followers they weren't/aren't able to keep...


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
I can't say I really care. TFB. Maybe President Obama isn't such an idealist when it comes to National Security. Good on him.


I, personally, think these guys should feel lucky to even be alive. One even has the gall to complain about losing weight during his hunger strike...well "No Shit Sherlock!"



Anything else is a luxury for these people, they should stop bitching.


Registered User
These guys basically claim that since President Obama took over things have gotten WORSE in Gitmo, rather than better.

Well, the President said he was going to close it...

Anyone who has been through a BRAC base shut down knows that it sucks to be stationed on the wrong end of the chopping block. No need to dump a bunch of funds into a place that is closing down. Why should it be any different for these fuckers?


These guys basically claim that since President Obama took over things have gotten WORSE in Gitmo, rather than better.

The only people who have it worse down there are the US Servicemembers...trust me on this one.

One even has the gall to complain about losing weight during his hunger strike...well "No Shit Sherlock!"

They are coached, on a daily basis, buy their american lawyers to complain about everything and anything.

I think the reality of the situation has impressed itself upon the current administration...one more promise to their loyal followers they weren't/aren't able to keep...

There is no better place for the detainees than GITMO. Trust me, again, on this one. They wouldn't last 2 weeks in general population and they'd be held, under the same conditions, in any other place in the US mainland. It's a catch 22 for the administration and they know that...now.

God bless the 19 & 20 year old troops that walk in excess of 3 miles a day up and down the block making sure that these bastards can't kill themselves (martyrdom in the detainee's eyes). For more details, go watch the NATGEO special...it's slightly biased, but overall pretty fair.
