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Prior Enlisted Captain's Mast


New Member
Hi everyone. I'm a junior at UC Berkeley with a double major in economics and rhetoric and have been considering pursuing a commission upon graduation or later as a JAG. I was an enlisted member of the Navy and received an honorable discharge after four years of service. Unfortunately, I was also involved in an embarrassing alcohol-related incident that resulted in a Captain's Mast (NJP) when I was 2o. I'm only interested in the Navy or Marine Corps. Does anyone know if my incident would seriously hinder my chances of a commission? I'd appreciate any insight and I can PM the details if necessary. Thanks.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Does anyone know if my incident would seriously hinder my chances of a commission?

It is not impossible to get a commissioning program with an NJP on your record, I had one on mlne when I applied many years ago. It would depend partly on the seriousness of the infraction/punishment and many other factors.

1. It's a tough time to get any commissioning slots due to ongoing and looming DOD funding cuts.
2. Competition for the reduced slots is really keen in this economic environment.
3. Today's Navy tends towards "Zero-Tolerance" on screwups (especially with alcohol involvement).

All things in your package will be considered, but in the final analysis, when your'e in a dead heat with 4 or 5 other applicants for selection, that NJP will stand out like a sore thumb; however, if you don't try...you'll never know! Back when I applied, the Navy was "building up" and hurting for qualified applicants. Today's situation is just the opposite, unfortunately they're "cutting back"!:oops:

*Hmm...majoring in "rhetoric"??? (Only in Berkeley!)

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
It's not a show-stopper, but it will make you less competitive. Don't bullshit about it, use it as a 'here's how I screwed up and what I learned from it' example. If you're majoring in rhetoric and can't spin that to your advantage, you're wasting your (or someone's) money. :)

As I mentioned in another thread, the Navy loves nothing so much as a tale of a shitbird who was born again hard.


New Member
Thanks guys. I appreciate your honest feedback. The process is becoming increasingly selective and other things equal, my incident would negatively affect my ability to compete with other applicants. It was the only time I was disciplined and the incident really did change my way of thinking. This much-needed kick in the ass turned out to be an integral part of my "growing up" process.