Texas A&M Class of '06
I got a question that might be pretty obvious to some, but I would like a little clarification.
I was wondering if there is a set priority list for who gets chosen for SNA frm different commisioning paths (ex: USNA first, then NROTC, then BDCP, then if anything is left, OCS).
I am curious b/c I am really wanting to go be a pilot, but I have crappy vision, and I am wondering if I should wait and just go OCS to see if they allow unlimited PRK waivers after their "stuty" is complete. I would hate to get the shaft if I go get PRK, wait the 3 months, then get denied a waiver and waste all the money on PRK (I dont have much money, and Im content with contacts!). I am willing to hold off and just go straight OCS, but not if it would affect my chances of going into flight school as compared to 2-year NROTC or BDCP.
I was wondering if there is a set priority list for who gets chosen for SNA frm different commisioning paths (ex: USNA first, then NROTC, then BDCP, then if anything is left, OCS).
I am curious b/c I am really wanting to go be a pilot, but I have crappy vision, and I am wondering if I should wait and just go OCS to see if they allow unlimited PRK waivers after their "stuty" is complete. I would hate to get the shaft if I go get PRK, wait the 3 months, then get denied a waiver and waste all the money on PRK (I dont have much money, and Im content with contacts!). I am willing to hold off and just go straight OCS, but not if it would affect my chances of going into flight school as compared to 2-year NROTC or BDCP.