Sounds like you already been on an active duty deployment. Every deployment 75% of sailors grow out their mustache as big and bold as legally possible. I will join you shortly with the stache!I don't know about you guys, but Im growing out my mustache until I get word from the board.
You generally find out that you have been Pro-Recd aabout two weeks after the board has convened. This has varied over the past 6 months. I'll use myself as an example. The board my package went to convened on 03 December and I received news that I had been Pro-Recd on 13 December. The Final Select letter is another story. A few people on Air Warriors, due to a variety of reasons, have been waiting 6 Months for a final select. Others have received a Final Select letter within a week or two after finding out they have been Pro-Recd. It takes patience....
Good luck!
It sounds like you are in the same situation as me, we just missed the rolling boards and must wait until July 15th. It's frustrating in the sense that you can't really plan on a set date until you get orders, and like paddybh said it varies on the individual. The advice I've been given is to just prepare to go sooner rather than later, e.g. run, study the OCS Regs, workout etc... Make the best of it!
I don't know about you guys, but Im growing out my mustache until I get word from the board.