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Pro Rec NFO, wanted pilot


New Member
Hello everyone. I've been searching around here for the past couple months and have found some pretty good gouge on the whole process of becoming a Navy officer. So far I've been able to find something on most evey question I had about the whole selection process so I've been satisfied being a silent bystander but now I'm in a situation where I could use some advice.

My application was reviewed by the September board and I was Pro Rec'd as a SNFO. Obviously, by the title of this thread, SNA was my first choice. I'm not trying to offend any NFOs here but I was wondering if anyone has been picked up as a SNFO, turned it down and later picked up for SNA?

I know that alot of you might say, that I shouldn't have listed NFO at all if I wasn't planning on accepting it. To try and answer that before anyone asks, as of right now I'm planning on moving forward with my NFO Pro Rec. I'm just throwing it out there to see if anyone knows of it happening.


Respect the WEZ
I seem to remember that when I went through API, NFOs that were otherwise qualified (eyes, etc.) and did exceptionally well at API (top student?) may have had the opportunity to try to switch to SNA. This is also somewhat old (mid 2004) and I may be having a memory lapse. Maybe someone who's been to API more recently can comment.


Registered User
Top 10% of your API class and PQ for pilot. One of the guys in my primary class did that. He spent his 9 month wait for API memorizing the textbooks. I think he didn't get a 100 on one test. Great example of how studying ahead can be a good idea.


New Member
Thanks for the advice and after further searching I found a few things that are relevant to my situation. I've talked to a reserves NFO and former recruiter who said it is possible to change designators if I am the top SNFO in my class and there is a SNA slot open at the end of API as Penguin and SlickAg pointed out. He also said it would be possible to switch after my first tour in the case the NFO community could afford to lose me and there is a NA slot available. I'm not banking on either one of these situations but it's nice to know it's possible.


My application was reviewed by the September board and I was Pro Rec'd as a SNFO. Obviously, by the title of this thread, SNA was my first choice. I'm not trying to offend any NFOs here but I was wondering if anyone has been picked up as a SNFO, turned it down and later picked up for SNA?

I know that alot of you might say, that I shouldn't have listed NFO at all if I wasn't planning on accepting it.

Ask your recruiter to see if you can resubmit for SNA. That's the most direct route if you can afford to wait. There's nothing wrong with listing 2nd and 3rd choices you don't really want...that's why they're 2nd and 3rd choices (my recruiter put down EDO as my 3rd choice just to put something down).

If you're going to take NFO, make sure you'll be happy with it even if you don't finish in the top 10% of your API class. Also, Pilot to NFO will be years down the line and there are only a few slots for that, so that isnt' something you can really bank on.

Good luck with whatever you decide.


New Member
I am going snfo and didnt apply for sna because of vision, are there oportunities to get prk after I am in snfo training to be qualified for pilot, if I am in one of the top spots?


Professional back-seat driver
If your in the Marines I believe (I am currently waiting to start TBS) that you can get PRK after flight school and then submitt an application to go SNA. You do not want to get PRK duing trainning beacuse it will put you out of trainning for over two weeks. Either get PRK before commissioning and fill out the waivers or wait until after flight school and take you chances then. I don't know the story with the Navy.


Active Member
If your in the Marines I believe (I am currently waiting to start TBS) that you can get PRK after flight school and then submitt an application to go SNA. You do not want to get PRK duing trainning beacuse it will put you out of trainning for over two weeks. Either get PRK before commissioning and fill out the waivers or wait until after flight school and take you chances then. I don't know the story with the Navy.

That's somewhat correct....... once you finish flight school and are winged as an NFO, then you are an NFO. There is an NFO to pilot transition available but only a few spots per year with a selection board an alot of requirements to apply. There's a MARADMIN out for this year's board but I can't get to it right now. You can get PRK whenever you want but it has to be approved by your CURRENT Commanding Officer. You can't get it during flight school. Possibly at the RAG but probably not. Also, PRK will make you med down (no flying) for a minimum of 4 weeks. It can take longer depending on how your eyes heal. I flew with a guy who was down for 2 months after getting PRK.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
That's somewhat correct....... once you finish flight school and are winged as an NFO, then you are an NFO. There is an NFO to pilot transition available but only a few spots per year with a selection board an alot of requirements to apply. There's a MARADMIN out for this year's board but I can't get to it right now. You can get PRK whenever you want but it has to be approved by your CURRENT Commanding Officer. You can't get it during flight school. Possibly at the RAG but probably not. Also, PRK will make you med down (no flying) for a minimum of 4 weeks. It can take longer depending on how your eyes heal. I flew with a guy who was down for 2 months after getting PRK.

To pile on, you're not going to do PRK in the RAG and no CO in his right mind is going to approve a PRK until after your first cruise. I don't know if things have improved in the last couple years, but being down for 2 months was not uncommon and there's just too much involved in getting a nugget aviator up to speed and ready for the operational environment to waste valuable time on en elective PRK surgery. Don't think that PRK is the magic bullet to get you into a pilot slot. Be prepared to stay in your assigned designator, then be pleasantly surprised if you're lucky enough that the planets aligned in your favor.



War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
RetreadRand said:
doesn't quite work that way...there is an application process and a board....blah blah blah

Duh, and one of the things the board considers, even before they determine you are the next Chuck Yeager, is manning. Can they lose a NFO in your year group and do they need pilots in that year group. If they don't get past that, there is no board. And the numbers they do come up with, if any, determine how competitve the process will be.