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Pro rec'd


New Member
I am sure this is a rather dumb question, but what does pro rec'd mean? Does it mean I will become a pilot or nfo (my top two choices) if I pass OCS? I appreciate any feedback.


New Member
I might be giving horribly bad info here, but what iv come to understand is that its a professional recommendation of the board towards a certain career. SNA, NFO etc


Active Member
Pro-rec stands for professional recommendation. Essentially, the board thinks you're worth investing more time in, so they give you a conditional acceptance - you still have to pass your physical and all of that. A pro-rec is given for a specific designator - so you could get a SNA pro-rec, a SWO pro-rec, and so on.


New Member
once you're backed by a board, how long does it take before getting final select/date for OCS?

I originally applied for Intel but was accepted for NFO instead. I've got a suspicion that the background check for clearance is what is pushing my final select date back--- even though the investigator on my case assured me that it'd have nothing to do with my actual leaving date... and I don't trust my new recruiter.

I got my pro rec for NFO exactly 2 months ago... Recruiter said the earliest I'd leave would be the end of March or early April... I'm hurrying up and waiting, of course, but because of my job and various projects related to it I'm wondering how far ahead I should plan before leaving for OCS?


New Member
The full background check usually isnt complete until after you have started OCS. At least that's what I've come to understand between here and usnavyocs.com. They begin the check and if any major red flags come up that could also be holding you up.

If you had to get any medical waivers or there is the possibility of anything in your background that is questionable, there's your hold up.

As far as planning for OCS, my plan is to wait until I get my final select letter and orders for OCS then tying up the loose ends. I.e. rent, taking care of bills, getting all banking in order, storing all of the junk you wont need now. My suggestion is to have a plan of how much time you think you will need for that, then when you get your orders and final select stuff apply it to a working calendar. I'm hoping to quit my job about 3 weeks before my report date to get everything in order, and PT like a mad man...

I'll be there around that same time frame, good luck, keep pushing