You compete with everyone basically. Most slots are filled up. And the new policy that just came out is sending people home basically if you NPQ, etc for any reason. They are not offering alternate designators if you are just regular OCS (no BDCP, etc). They are giving you a one way discharge home. This goes for anyone who does not complete their initial warfare training, such as dropping flight school, SWO, Intel, Supply, etc. No redesignating is the rule of thumb right now pretty much. There has been a lot of pushback to the recent policy though, and it may change a little, but not much i imagine. The Navy is full. And for those who are on BDCP, etc....the Navy will basically put you where they want you. It is not so much "don't let them put you in something you don't want like SWO"......they will put you where they need you, believe me.