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PRT Question


New Member
I'm a freshman enrolled in a NROTC College Program. My PRT results are mixed. My pushups exceed the Outstanding High Catergory. My situps are in the Outstanding Medium Category. My 1.5 mile run results suck! It's in the Satisfactory High category. Does that mean that they will disenroll me if I don't get at least a Good Low? What does corresponding points mean in each of the categories? I haven't been required to do extra PT. I want to be stay in the program and eventually earn a scholarship or advanced standing.


Well-Known Member
There is no reason that you can't bump up to at LEAST a good-low on the run. I am a terrible runner, but with regular PT, I can keep my times down. You're a freshman (and I'm assuming 17-19 years old). Get on the road and run. You won't earn a scholarship by failing or barely passing the PRT.


Former Rhino Bro
I can't speak for other units, but at mine it was usually a three strikes thing. If you failed the PRT three times, you were done. That's if you have a scholarship.

If you don't have one, a fail will hurt your chances. Get running.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
We used the overall average to guage whether or not you failed...anything below a good medium was failing as far as the unit concerned, but they wouldn't jack your scholarship unless you failed to meet the navy minimums. Getting a good low or less usually meant you had to go to remedial PT. It's better to not have that black mark on your scholarship recommendation from the CO if you're trying to have one, plus remedial sucks balls, for all involved (I helped run it for two semesters at school, if I'm getting up on my days off very early because you couldn't be bothered to pt on your own, I wasn't a happy camper).

Bottom line: go get some running shoes and hit the road. no fancy training regimes required, just put some miles behind you and you will get faster.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
The official Navy rules on this, if I recall correctly, are that you have to get the Good Low on every portion of the PRT by the end of your freshman year. At the same time, if you fail to do this on three consecutive PRTs you are out, no matter what class you are. Finally, you must get a Good Low on everything during your senior year, and one of those Good Lows has to be on the run (ie if you generally swim the PRT you need to run it once senior year).

Have you taken the official PRT for this semester, or just practice ones. If you haven't taken the official one yet, don't worry, but obviously try to pass it ASAP. If you don't pull it off this semester, that's not good and remedial PT does suck, but it won't have any long-run implications as long as you pass next semester.


go blue...
If you work on it you should only need a semester to improve the run time by a minute, especially if you're in shape enough to do well in the other categories. Once you get that done you can swim until your senior year and take three years or so to get the run up.