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PT scores


Well-Known Member
I'm sure this has been addressed before, but my big concern is PT for service selection. I'm not a PT stud and while I am working to improve I'm concerned about where or not if that will adversely affect me. I usually score GH or EL.

I am a Spring 2009 graduate. GPA 3.6 in a tech major. ASTB 7/8/8



Hey intern, get me a Campari!
With a 3.6 in a technical major and 7/8/8, i think you'll be fine with EL PT scores. Your PT scores only go into the service selection formula as part of your aptitude ratings, so how have those been?


Well-Known Member
With a 3.6 in a technical major and 7/8/8, i think you'll be fine with EL PT scores. Your PT scores only go into the service selection formula as part of your aptitude ratings, so how have those been?

Those have been above 3.0 so far. However, would even my lower scores in the Good range hurt me?


Well-Known Member
I got prorec'd with all good ranges, and I'm not ROTC, but my GPA was only 2.5. If you're good to strong on your other things, you should be fine. I do understand the sweating you do while you're waiting though. Hang in there, brudda!


stop worrying. you're fine. PT is the smallest portion of your overall score. just make sure that when you get to API you can do 47 pushups 50 some situps and a 12:00 run...

plus when i service selected last spring, they were trying to get anyone to pick up aviation.


Crossing over to the dark side
I agree PT can't hurt you as much as you think. I scored in the good range and picked up pilot this year. If you are going to worry about anything, worry about grades.


is clara ship
I'd be surprised if you don't get pilot....even if you got a GL or something. Your grades and ASTB (judging by others I know who have picked up SNA) seem to be much more important. Of course your cumulative performance in terms of PT does have an effect on your PNS points, but thats pretty minimal. I'd just shoot for EX range for your pre-selection PRT and call it good


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
PT scores don't weigh in that much for service selection. But your PT score could weigh in on your PNS ranking and Aptitude scores. I posted a "gouge" post about NROTC service selections a long time ago.. http://www.airwarriors.com/forum/showpost.php?p=68225&postcount=3
ea6bflyr said:
"7. Q: How, exactly, do these scores apply to my service selection?

A: Midshipmen from all ~65 NROTC units compete on a national level for the available aviation billets. An aviation service selection score is computed for all physically qualified Midshipmen who would like to go into Naval Aviation. The top candidates are then selected. The following service selection formula is used:

Cumulative GPA 27%
Adjusted Aptitude (Fall of 1/C Year only) 21%
(CNET statistically adjusts aptitude to normalize the subjective grading differences in the 65 NROTC units)
Academic Major 6%
(Based on OPMIS major: Technical (47-66) is 100% of the possible points, Science and Math (36-40, 42-46, 90) is 87.5%, and Non-technical (1-35, 41, 67-89, 91-99) is 75%)
PNS Subjective Evaluation (assigned by CO) 6%
AQR 15%
PFAR (for Pilots) or FOFAR (for NFOs) 25%
Total: 100%"

-ea6bflyr ;)