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Putin: U.S. has triggered new arms race


Working Plan B
Ap Article Here

Now, my scope of life-experience with this matter is limited, but the more I read, the more I wonder how much the Cold War was about communism, and how much of it was about the Russians just being, well, Russian.

My generation was SUPPOSED to be defined by the fall of the Berlin Wall, SUPPOSED to live in the sweet Apple Pie days of the pre-tech bust '90s, forever and ever, amen. "End of History," and so on and so forth. When the towers fell, I decided that a fat, aging, cornered, but polarizing Soviet Union might have made for a safer, more clear-cut world. I missed the Cold War I never got to know. And I often wondered if that sentiment was naive; too "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Truth," in it's own way.

And I'm not normally one to worry and fret, but I do see a trend here, and I wonder where it will take us. Should I be careful what I've wished for?


Well-Known Member
I'm worried that the economic giant of Russia is going to be finally able to out spend the US in military budgets.


Working Plan B
I'm worried that the economic giant of Russia is going to be finally able to out spend the US in military budgets.

Sarcasm noted. :)

But, just as a talking point: preservation of the market, or lack of economic clout hasn't stopped people before... :(




Shut up woman... get on my horse.
The Russians have always had the potential to be a serious economic power. They have all of the necessary factors of production save one, capitol. Land, and Labor, have never really been a problem.

That said, I dont see them comming out of the economic rut they have been in for the past 300 years.


Super Moderator
The Russians have always had the potential to be a serious economic power. They have all of the necessary factors of production save one, capitol. Land, and Labor, have never really been a problem.

That said, I dont see them comming out of the economic rut they have been in for the past 300 years.

They won't, accumulation of wealth is the primary motivating factor behind almost all of their political and miitary leadership nowadays. It is nothing but a mafia state.........:eek:


New Member
I'm worried that the economic giant of Russia is going to be finally able to out spend the US in military budgets.

Dude that is really far off. Their GDP is like 700 something billion. While the US is 13.2 trillion dollars. Not even in the same ballpark, the could spend nearly as much money as the US. IN my understanding of history this was teh decisive factor in the cold war then. It is even more the case with the russian economy a shell of what it once was.


Well-Known Member
"The missile defense we set up in Europe should be no concern to Russia. This is not directed towards a possible conflict with Russia. Russia has excellent ICBM's which this missile defense cannot stop. This missile defense is aimed at emerging, lessor countries' threats like Iran who possess missiles that our missile defense system can intercept. Why Russia thinks this is a threat to them is curious to us."

Thats what Rice said.


Well-Known Member
Dude that is really far off. Their GDP is like 700 something billion. While the US is 13.2 trillion dollars. Not even in the same ballpark, the could spend nearly as much money as the US. IN my understanding of history this was teh decisive factor in the cold war then. It is even more the case with the russian economy a shell of what it once was.

Read the posts above, this was already established to be sarcasm.


Well-Known Member
Sarcasm noted. :)

But, just as a talking point: preservation of the market, or lack of economic clout hasn't stopped people before... :(


True, but I doubt that Russian leadership has the desire to make Russia the next "shattered jewel".


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
"The missile defense we set up in Europe should be no concern to Russia. This is not directed towards a possible conflict with Russia. Russia has excellent ICBM's which this missile defense cannot stop. This missile defense is aimed at emerging, lessor countries' threats like Iran who possess missiles that our missile defense system can intercept. Why Russia thinks this is a threat to them is curious to us."

Thats what Rice said.

"Russia's strong missile capabilities are no match for our European missile defense plans and will not upset the strategic balance in the region," Johndroe said.

Is it just me or does that sound almost contradictory. I think it might be the way he said it, but I take it to mean that our missile shield WILL be able to take out Russian missiles.

True, but I doubt that Russian leadership has the desire to make Russia the next "shattered jewel".

I would tend to agree with you. However Putin concerns me. The rhetoric he used in the article seems unprovoked. And it seems to me that Moscow is upset about our policy in the Middle East, and our stance against Iran, with whom they seem to be quite friendly towards (if not officially than unofficially).

I dont know what Russia's interest in the Middle East is other than energy, however Russia has HUGE oil reserves, granted its under some serious permafrost in Sibera, but it would seem to me to be in their best interests to invest in drilling for cheap oil rather than paying out the nose for it and risking a war with the US. Granted war is far fetched, but I cant imagine how it serves their interests to be our enemy.