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Q about Religion


Hello all,
They say there's no such thing as a stupid question, and as I don't come from a military family, I was hoping someone on this forum could help with a question about religious practices.
Specifically, if you're not of a christian religion, how do you work out the holidays in terms of time on duty? Do you give your CO a calendar a few months in advance and say "I need these days?" Is he likely to ignore your request?
Thanks in advance,
I wouldn't be asking for days if they should fall during OCS, because training is training, and I imagine you'd have hell to pay after skipping, even if they let you (no pun intended).


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
They say there's no such thing as a stupid question, and as I don't come from a military family, I was hoping someone on this forum could help with a question about religious practices.
Specifically, if you're not of a christian religion, how do you work out the holidays in terms of time on duty? Do you give your CO a calendar a few months in advance and say "I need these days?" Is he likely to ignore your request?
Thanks in advance,
I wouldn't be asking for days if they should fall during OCS, because training is training, and I imagine you'd have hell to pay after skipping, even if they let you (no pun intended).

I am a Jew. It is completely doable (at least thus far in the TRACOM, but probably the fleet too, when not deployed) to take days off (Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashana), although I haven't personally requested it. I've seen others do it with little issue.

Now, asking for EVERY single weekend off for Shabbat is NOT going to fly, so if you're looking to observe Shabbat, then you're SOL.

Whatever religion you are, I'm sure you can get a few key days off per year to observe the services etc. The BEST way to work this deal is to offer to work on other days (like christmas etc). THAT will most likely get you whatever drug deal you were hoping to get.

Hopefully that answers your questions.


Super Moderator
From what I know there is really no requirement for the Navy to accomodate particular religious holidays, Christian included. I may be wrong but I never saw special arrangements made.

From personal eperience it is largely dependent on individual commands, some will try and accomodate your specific requests as they may, but with ops 24/7 when deployed they often cannot. For example, if someone is an Orthodox Jew you are not going to be able to give you every Sabbath off, or Ramadan off for Muslims, the 12 days of Christmas for Orthodox Christians, etc, etc. I don't think you are going to be able to hand your command a list of days and say you need them off.

Is there anything in particular you are worried about?

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
This question came up a while ago (I assume you're asking about Jewish holidays?)

Check out this thread, and it should answer some questions.

Shoreside, sure, it's fairly easy to take time for religious holidays; but underway is underway and the only holiday we honor is Groundhog Day. Ask any of the guys from the Fleet how many times we've flown on Christmas, Easter, Purim, Passover, Yom Kippur...


Well-Known Member
1 or 2 "high holy days", provided ops allows- not an issue.

Wanting your religions equivalents to Pentecost, Annunciation, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Corpus Christi, Palm Sunday, and the like is not going to fly.


Thanks for the info above,

I myself am also Jewish, and usually accommodate it by trading dates with people. Ex I'll take being the first name down on the list for Easter and x-mas eve at work if I can have my name last on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Shabbat weekly isn't really my commit, I'm much more a 2 day a year kind of jew. No big dietary restrictions or what not.

From personal eperience it is largely dependent on individual commands, some will try and accomodate your specific requests as they may, but with ops 24/7 when deployed they often cannot.

Is there anything in particular you are worried about?

That's pretty much what I was hoping to hear. I wouldn't even for a minute think about asking for a skip if ops were ongoing, and I understand and respect that the needs of the Navy always come first. The point is that it's reassuring to know that they'll try to accomodate if it's doable.

Thanks again!


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
Now, asking for EVERY single weekend off for Shabbat is NOT going to fly, so if you're looking to observe Shabbat, then you're SOL.

Try telling that to him:


He doesnt answer a phone, drive in a car, and he sure as SHIT DOESN'T FUCKING FLY.


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
Try telling that to him:


He doesnt answer a phone, drive in a car, and he sure as SHIT DOESN'T FUCKING FLY.

Wow...that was one of the quickest Lebowskizations of a thread I've ever seen.



Brett327 gargles ballsacks
As soon as I saw the OPs question I wanted to throw a "3000 years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax" in there.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
When you're out to sea, you're going to work all day every day, so there are no days off for religious or other purposes. In port, or non-deployed, you may need to duty swap, or arrange something with your command.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
This thread reminds me of a guy who thought he should not have duty over Christmas or Easter because he was "more religious" than the rest of us! One guess as to who stood New Years Duty.


This thread reminds me of a guy who thought he should not have duty over Christmas or Easter because he was "more religious" than the rest of us! One guess as to who stood New Years Duty.
Heh, in my opinion anybody holier then thou or preachy deserves what he gets. Sounds like it was just deserts.