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Question about Air Nat. Guard and Reserves?

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Registered User
I was talking to a major airline pilot (retired military) and told him my situation of becomming a Navy pilot. Nevertheless, we discussed how competitive it is. He stated to look at the Air National Guard or the Reserves. Does anyone know any information about the two?


SNA in Meridian
I'm not an expert but Air National Guard and Air Force Res. are really competetive from what I've read.


not missing sand
Super Moderator
ditto - they're REALLY hard to get into from what i've heard.


Registered User
National Guard is much much harder then going active. You get to be a military pilot without being active.. its a good deal.. everyone wants to do it.


Registered User
You have to consider a few things about the Air National Guard.
First most, if not all, applications deadlines have past for this year. (FEB-Mid July)
and you have to remember that these pilot slots are not until 2005. The Air Guard works by selecting pilots a year-and-a-half to two years out. Most guard units require you to send in a candidate package with certain info that they request from you. A month or so before they hold interviews they, the board, meet and look through all the candidate packages to selective the ones who they will give interviews too. After the interview the board will selective a certain number of pilots to fill their vacancies and usually a alternate of two. I guess it can be a pretty competitive process. I am two for four with interviews right now. Hawaii and Texas have just given me interviews this month and New York and Illinois shot me down this week. Good Luck!


Registered User
just a note: average number of applicants for fighter units is anywhere from 100-200 (250 for colorado i think), of which 1 or 2 applicants are selected for upt....you do the math. also, air guard is very political for many places (colorado) and some give preference to in state people (iowa) and some hire only in house (minnesota). dont know much about reserves.

pilot33: congrats on getting interviews! that's the hardest step right there. what does your resume look like?


Registered User
Really nothing to extraordinary. I did graduate from Embry Riddle with an aeronautical science degree and a minor in aviation weather. With the degree came my commercial, multi, instrument licenses and ratings. Did so-so on the AFOQT a 71 for pilot, the rest, well I will leave those out (by far the hardest military test). I did get a 89 on my PCSM score which is fairly competitive. High school sports of all kinds and some college organizations and extracurricular activities/sports. You are right, there are a lot of Guard bases that are political and quite a few only select applicants for UPT that have been part of that unit for a year or more. I was working with the Air Force as well. They shot me down for pilot my first time around and I was just notified Wednesday that they picked me up for navigator, my turn to shoot them down. Hopefully the Marines or the Air National Guard will come through for me. What about you?


Well-Known Member
I do know that most of the Guard units are VERY politcal and HIGHLY competitive. MOST of the guard units like to give there slots too enlisted personel. I am going to be trying for a flight slot in my unit and I have been told that "we are picking our next drinking buddy". My dad (retired Navy F-4, F-14 0-6) told me a story that one of his airline buddies unit tured down a guy with a couple thousand hours flying time that had a 4.0 from MIT. Reason being is cause he wouldn't fit in, they gave the slot to a guy from within the unit that had a 3.0 and two of those years were in a jr. college.

Just letting you know!


Registered User
You also have to consider that you aren't going to make a lot of money unless you can get a full time position. So this requires a second job, i.e. working for a commercial airline. Working both jobs sounds like a great idea, but I'm sure it doesn't leave much time for a life.
Also, most guard units are very top heavy when it comes to rank. This is very good when flying against them because they will sharpen your skills, but I would think it would be hard to relate to them on a personal level.
I've heard that most guard trainees do very well in flight school because they aren't worried about getting the plane they want. They are able to relax and enjoy the experience.
Since the Guard units are funded by the AF, they are usually very nice!! I've heard that Denver has a nice gym and bar reserved for the crews. That would be a bonus, but then again, they still hold that strict atmosphere that they AF tends to breed. Man, AF will take anything that is fun and make it incredible annoying.
After weighing all the pros and cons, I decided to go active duty. It fits my life a little better.
Of course I have no personal experience, just friends. It would be great to hear from anyone who is in the guard/reserve.


Registered User
Just gotta want it

I have read these responses and truthfully, if you want it, you can get a slot. I was a CFI with only 400 hours and got a slot with the first unit I applied to. I did not know anyone in the unit either. The trick is, you really got to want it and convey this attitude when you first contact them.

The Yellow Dart

Registered User
Navy Pilot Commission Questions

Hey everybody.

I'm new here. Just joined. My Navy recruiter told me this would be a good place to get info.

I'll cut to the chase. I've taken the AFOQT (80 Pilot) and I had a 45 OAR and I'm taking it again. I've passed my Initial Flight Physical for the AF and had a real sh*tty PCSM because I screwed the BATs. I have two college degrees - Communications and Studio Art, so no real aviation background. I'm about halfway done with my PPL. 3.35 college G.P.A.
Oh, and I'm 26.

I've always felt like the Navy was the way to go. (Appointment to USAFA, but I turned it down). Right now, though, I'd be happy to get anything. My AF Reserve recruiter tells me I have a good shot at getting something, but mostly the AF Reserve just flys heavies.

I'm bored with my flight school because tooling around in a Piper or 172 isn't real stimulating, but I know I need to get it done.

Anyway - I'm not real familiar with the lingo, and I need information about the process of getting in (I understand it's competitive) and finding my way around this board. Anything and everything is appreciated.


Registered User
Just gotta opine on the guard/AFRES....

I have made a study of this for the past few years, and decided it wasn't for me. Getting hired into a unit that flies the aircraft you want would be stellar, but living in Kansas or South Dakota for 20 years isn't for me. I like to move around alot and meet new people. Guard pilots also don't generally have the option of being a training command IP or applying for exchange duty with the UK, Germany, etc. Just decide what you want out of a military lifestyle and go after it. If you have a wife/kids and want to be a hometown family guy, go guard. Besides, if youre from CA and get into a PA guard outfit, you're so far from home you might as well have went active duty in the first place. Just my two cents....
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