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Question about applying to more than one service simultaneously


Well-Known Member
Yea, knock yourself out. There are, however, some problems.

If you get picked up by your second or third choice, they aren't going to sit around and wait for you to make a decision until #1 makes a choice. You may have a month or two wiggle room, but this is a notoriously long process. Most likely, there will be big differences between processing times.

Make sure your recruiter(s) know that you are playing the field. They should not have a big problem with this. Just understand that if you actually sign a contract with the Marine Corps, for example, and then still want to try for the Navy, you will have to break your conract with the Marines just to apply. I could imagine an unethical recruiter not doing this, but when all the paperwork goes through BUPERS, it will be found out that you are already on contract with the Marines.

Be upfront about it all. I would suggest that you pick your first choice, go for that and then worry about your coningency plans.




New Member
Thanks. My first choice is for the Air Force but I know that will be a tight one to pull off. It seems that an AF enlisted recruiter let me know that if i didn't have a 3.75 GPA or higher and score fantastic on their AFOQT that my chances are slim.


I Can Has Leadership!
You need to talk to an officer recruiter. What the enlisted recruiter told you MAY be true, but take it with a grain of salt until you speak with n officer recruiter.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Thanks. My first choice is for the Air Force but I know that will be a tight one to pull off. It seems that an AF enlisted recruiter let me know that if i didn't have a 3.75 GPA or higher and score fantastic on their AFOQT that my chances are slim.

The competition to wear ascots is mighty keen.


Thanks. My first choice is for the Air Force but I know that will be a tight one to pull off. It seems that an AF enlisted recruiter let me know that if i didn't have a 3.75 GPA or higher and score fantastic on their AFOQT that my chances are slim.

FYI, Couell. I found out I was selected for AF OTS last week and my gpa was definitely not above or close to a 3.75 and my AFOQT scores were average (I suck at math but, verbal was good). I was doing your dance- AF and USN applications at the same time. Don't let the recruiter give you some bullshit about gpa, as long as you clear the min. requirements. It's the whole person concept. This was my second AF application with the same gpa and afoqt as the first round. Apply, apply, apply.


New Member
Don't let the recruiter give you some bullshit

So, I'm not the only one that the recruiters have been pushing to enlist instead of going the officer route. That's good to hear. I'm taking the ASTB and the AFOQT next week. Anyone got any last minute pieces of advice?


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
Last minute pieces of advice...

1) Search for it
2) Get a good nights sleep before the tests
3) Study multiple nights before the exams instead of cramming the night before. Your level of retention greatly improves when studying over a period of time rather than trying to memorize the night before an exam.

Best of luck.