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Question about commission possibilities


Registered User
I was enlisted in the Marines for six years (2 years active, 4 years reserve, went to Iraq). I then went to Georgia Tech to get a nuclear engineering degree. I'm about to graduate although my gpa isn't that great, ~2.5. I am lined up for a good job in the civilian world, but would like to become a Navy Officer if possible.

If I go for a commission (hopefully the Navy Nuke program) how will I look on paper? Will my prior service and nuclear engineering degree from a really good university outweigh my lousy gpa?



Mobilizer Extraordinaire
What was your major GPA? Did you struggle with college early and then improve? Or start fast and finish poorly? I had a 3.4 in Electrical Engineering and my recruiter practically begged me to do the Nuke interview. Prior service can be a good thing, depends on your record. Your DD214 will be part of your application so hopefully everything is good there.


Registered User
I started so-so (B's), then mid way I had some bad luck (C/D's), then I finished really strong (all A's).

My college career had some major ups and downs. I wish I could do it over, but I can't.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
Make sure you make that case. Your next step really is to talk to a Nuke recruiter. He will be able to give you the idea of what's going on in that field. The most recently I heard, they were still taking in folks off the street, unlike Aviation right now.


Registered User
I did aviation in the Marines and it is not a career field I would like to get a commission in.

Thanks for the info, I'm gonna start hunting down recruiters on Monday.


Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit
If the Admiral decides to interview you (not highly likely with that GPA), you had better have a SOLID answer as to why your grades were so bad. "Bad luck" or "I was a dumb college kid" won't cut it with him. He's looking for people who are willing to admit their own faults and take ownership of their problems.

Also, brush up on calc and physics. You will have a few technical interviews to pass.


Crusty Shellback
If the Admiral decides to interview you (not highly likely with that GPA), you had better have a SOLID answer as to why your grades were so bad. "Bad luck" or "I was a dumb college kid" won't cut it with him. He's looking for people who are willing to admit their own faults and take ownership of their problems.

Also, brush up on calc and physics. You will have a few technical interviews to pass.

Well if a Kansas Jayhawk can do it... I didn't even know they do math at KU. ;)
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