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Question about NROTC and USNA


New Member
I am currently a high school senior and just recently actually thinking about what I wanted to do in life. For the longest time I thought I just wanted to be an engineer, mostly because I didn't really think about it that much. Now I realize that I do not want to sit in a cubicle for the rest of my life punching a keyboard, Id rather do something I would enjoy.

Ive decided I wanted to become a naval aviator and even try to pursue my dreams of maybe becoming an astronaut. Problem with this is that it is far too late to apply to the USNA.

So my question is, should I just do NROTC in college, or should I go to college for a year then apply to the USNA after a year of college. I am in the top 5% of my class, mostly AP classes, 4.4 GPA, 35 on the ACT, 1450 on the SAT, 750 on Physics SAT II, 710 on Math II SAT 2. I am physically fit, I have been weightlifting for the past 3 years. I want to major in physics or aerospace engineering. So the decision will be NROTC at hopefully somewhere like Duke or maybe even MIT (decisions not out yet) or just trying to get into the Naval Academy.

Any advice would be helpful, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
It pretty much depends on what you want your college experience to be like. I can't speak to the NROTC side of the house, but the Academy is very different from your average college. You will have hardly any free time, your schedule will be dictated to you, you'll wake up early and go to bed late, etc.... If you have specific questions about Academy life, fire away. There are a bunch of Academy grads on this site. Same with NROTC grads, I'm sure one of them will chime in.


Well-Known Member
I'll echo what cfam said. He's wise for an Ensign... He's a little closer to the Academy ways, but I can attest to the fact that "it's a great place to be from". I went to a civilian college before I attended USNA and I can tell you this - you really have to want to go to USNA to be successful there. I have no regrets, but I had classmates that did (i.e. they didn't graduate). No matter what kinda crap you hear, I have never made better friends then I made at USNA.


I'm not dead yet....
I'll throw in my two cents for NROTC: life will be easier, you'll have a lot more freedom to do what you want, and have a much more normal college experience. It's not easy by any means but the expierience is probably far more pleasant going the NROTC route vice academy.

I was in a similar situation as you are right now with respect to timing. I got into several NROTC schools but didn't pick up a four year scholarship. I went to school and did college program NROTC and was able to get a three year scholarship. Other than having to pay for my first year of school, my college expierence was no different than any of the guys I commissioned with.

That said, I won't knock the Academy. I have bunch of friends that came through there and they had things they loved and things they hated about Annapolis. If it's what you really want to do, then by all means do what you can to fullfil that dream.

In the end it really comes down to what you want. This site is a great resource (i.e. use the search function) to find out what life at the Academy and NROTC is like, as well as life beyond in Naval Aviation. Welcome aboard.


Is it baseball season yet?
I'm currently a Mid (Class of 2010) and I would just say with people like yourself, make sure you come to the Academy because you WANT to be at the Academy and you WANT to live a Navy/military lifestyle nearly 24/7, not because it'll set you up for something later. You really have to WANT to be here without reservation thinking it'll be a hook up for later in life. My .02 for now. Good luck!


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
If you need discipline and want a very structured educational experience, then go to the Naval Academy. If you wan't a near-normal college experience, then go the NROTC route.

You will make lifetime friends at USNA and NROTC.

Apply to both and see what offers arrive. Good luck.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Well-Known Member
I went to the Academy, but have also had the opportunity to observe my three children in college (including one in NROTC).

The best part of the Academy is the friends you make; I think the friendships you make there are closer than those most people make in college.

If the military has always fascinated you, you would enjoy the Academy.

The Academy also prepares you better for "the Fleet;" although, ultimately the people who are smarter and work harder do the best, no matter where they went to school.

There are clearly advantages to going NROTC, too. A wider choice of majors, more relaxed atmosphere, more time off in the summer.

The Academy is cheaper; I don't know if that is a consideration or not.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Good advice above on USNA vs NROTC. Here are the technical considerations. As you say, too late for USNA class of 2014. If you are going to apply after a year of college make sure your curriculum mirrors the first year at USNA. No fine arts majors, please. If you are an engineering major you should be fine. On application you will only compete with other guys coming out of college, not the high school seniors.

Probably too late for NROTC as well. Confirm this but I believe your ACT/SAT scores must be in by Dec 31st. The actual deadline for application is the end of February.

Now listen up. You are getting the patented Wink Strategy for Successful Selection (WSSS tm) free of charge. Go to college where they have a NROTC program. Enroll in NROTC as a non scholarship/college program guy. Take the Naval Science classes, PT with them and learn something about the Navy. If you still want USNA after a semester in NROTC then when you apply you will have as a matter of record, the fact you have participated in NROTC and know a thing or two about what you are getting into. You will be able to get a recommendation from the Unit CO, an O-6 that is in the business of evaluation your officer potential. That will mean more then the Blue and Gold Officer interview. If you fail to select for USNA with all that going for you then just keep on truck'en and apply for the NROTC scholarship through the college program That gives you a two year free ride and a commission. That is one fluid, seamless, symbiotic program which keeps all your options open. You can thank me later. I drink Tangeray.


is clara ship
IIRC during my time in the NROTC program there were several middies who ended up picking up USNA slots. I agree with wink, especially given your current situation. Sounds like you can probably find scholarships elsewhere if it ends up being too late for the NROTC one, which will give you ample opportunity to make a more educated choice about what you will do with the rest of your college life. As a guy who did the "college program for a year to test the waters" plan, I can say with confidence that it works just as well.