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Question on Switching from GS to Active Duty


Marc (IP Ensign)
I now that people in the military convert their service time to Government time after getting out and becoming a GS but how about the other way around.
If someone has 2 1/2 years as a GS and goes active Navy, do they start at year 0 or year 2 for time in service? I know this won't affect time in grade but Government service time should transfer it seems. Anyone have a thought on this?


Marc (IP Ensign)
Thanks Bert. I since found more info on it and confirmed it only works the other way service ->GS .. Seems a bit off but so be it.


It's not off at all. The reason it works like that is because the country wants to reward veterans for their service. One of the ways to do so is to provide a credit for length of military service. Other ways include veteran's hiring preferences and protections during RIFs. The system wasn't designed to be a two way street.


Marc (IP Ensign)
I was thinking it's off on the sense of Government service. GS's deploy and work just like military but the time doesn't move over when the GS wants to change their level of commitment and choose to serve in the military. 2 years as a GS doesn't get you a retirement and neither does 18 years as a sailor but all of the time is spent in federal employ which equals 20 years. According to the system, those 2 years don't count. That is what I meant by it. I'm a veteran and I think they should worth both ways but I'm not a GS so it doesn't really hurt me.


I hear where you are coming from. I was just trying to explain the model. It was designed to reward veterans not the other way around. It was also created during a time when civilians, with rare exception, did not deploy. Even if it were to be reexamined today, such a minute fraction of civilians deploy that I don't really see it getting any support/traction to change the system.


Marc (IP Ensign)
Me either. I know someone doing this and it would be nice to see the time not wasted. But that's the rules.