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OCC 191 Select
Okay, at MEPS they said I was 20/25, failed the depth perception exam, and was -2.25 refractive error so I went to a private eye Doc. as told to do so. The private doc came up with 20/20, passed depth perception (I was not rushed like at MEPS) and no refractive error. My question is this: Will the selection board look at my application any differently since I am submitting a private eye exam along with my physical to verify that I meet vision requirements? Basically, do they look down upon outside eye exams? I know the recruiter said it would be fine and my eye doc. said they could call if needed but I have the normal anxiety and just wanted to ask some opinions. Thanks, Ed


Registered User
When my application got to the selection board, it was sent back because there was a problem in the way the vision portion of my MEPS physical was filled out (the techs wrote I was 20/30 but didn't say I was correctable to 20/20, like they should have). I also went to a private physician to get that part fixed. I wanted SNA but got SNFO and I've wondered if having a private physician exam in my package hurt me - especially with regards to eyesight which is so important in their deliberation.

But it sounds like you've done everything you could have and tried your best. It's out of your hands now. Also, if you felt rushed at MEPS, you'll probably feel rushed at NAMI. Best of luck.


Registered User
It shouldn't matter, MEPS told me I had no depth perception and I doubted this greatly. My recruiter told me MEPS screws up often, so I went to a civilian doctor and found out I had 20 seconds of arc, which is signifigantly better than you need to pass. However at MEPS I honestly could not see a single raised circle and failed all answers, at my civilian doctor they hopped of the book at me. Lesson being MEPS makes mistakes, and often big ones. Because they have no responsibility to you, if they screw up oh well too bad, you don't get a job you want. However civilian doctors deal more with care, than "am I qualified", so if they screw up you may be hurt, unhappy, disadvantaged. Ed, After going to MEPS and from what you describe as your civilian doctor you be the judge. I put my civilian req. in and got a BDCP SNA slot.

Also at MEPS I wanted to retake the exam so I went and found the corpsman (sp) boy was he pissed I had the nerve to ask, but I stood my ground, and he sent me to the Cheif Medical Officer who did let me retake it(the CMO was a civilian). I did fail at MEPS again, but still those people up there. I guess I had an advantage, most of the people there were high school grads who didn't know any better, I actually felt bad at how poorly treated they were, having some college under my belt definately made me more agressive. Again the thing I read on here over and over...don't let some a**hole ruin your dream.


Edited by - JT1208 on 08/19/2002 18:54:31


OCC 191 Select
Thanks for the reply... Yeah that is a major relief. My private exam showed that I am 20/20, no refractive error, and 20 sec. of arc at distance and near (I didn't know that this was better than 40 sec of arc which is needed to pass so this is good). My OAR score was a 50 with 6 and 7's in the nautical areas and I have a 3.35 GPA as an english lit. major. Do you think I have a good shot at BDCP? I am going into my senior year. Thanks, Ed


Registered User
Yea 20 seconds of arc is the best score you can get that they test for. As for your stats I'd say your very competative. Also being a senior helps as that means less time on the BDCP payroll which is real good. As for SNA slots there were 13 left for FY '03 as of last week. Best of luck, let me know how it works out!


ps- I'm a Political Science major so if that helps any lol!


OCC 191 Select
Since I don't graduate til july 2003, I am not going for a 2003 SNA slot, ya know? If I graduate in july, the earliest I can go to OCS is Oct. which means I won't be an officer ready for primary til January 2004 :). Will this increase my chances even more?


Registered User
It all depends on how many pilots leave, and then how many applicants they have. From what I understand a lot of it is luck

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