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Registered User
Hello, my situation is a little unusual, I am active duty right now, but applied for a fall 07 scholarship prior to leaving for bootcamp, I received my scholarship and now am waiting on orders to be generated. Has anyone else been in this situation? Any replies are appreciated, thank you.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
Are you finished with boot camp with an enlistment contract?


Well-Known Member
My roommate went through a similar situation, applied for scholarship, went to Bootcamp, MCT, MOS School, then got picked up for the scholarship.

He got put into IRR and is, for all intents and purposes, a Midn now.


Hmm mhhmm
Three MIDNs from my unit were in the same situation. They all left active duty and became MIDN. Talk to your Command, it happens.


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
As I understand its just like the Naval Academy.

They pull you out and you are a Mid, but if you decide to quit you have to go back to the fleet, whereas not all Mids who quit (even on schollarship) are having to go to the fleet as enlisted sailors.

A guy at my unit went all the way through A school before he showed up at our unit.


Registered User
Alright. @ BigIron, yes my command knows and they are in the process of getting my orders written up so I can transfer in a few weeks. I appreciate everyone's help.