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Questions about PLC Combined

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Registered User
I am a mother of a (hopeful) future Marine. She was in AFROTC and has come to see the light so to speak. What I was wondering is A) is she her time in AF going to hurt her B) how long does the application proccess take and C) how competitive is the selection process? She is hoping to go to PLC combined 2005 as she doesn't want to rush trying to jump through the paperwork hoops. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Hopeful Mom


Registered User
Let me start off by saying OOORRAAAHHHH!! Good choice your daugther is making. I am a junior in college and I have been accepted to PLC-Combined 2004. A) Her time in the AFROTC is only going to help her when she is filling out her application. B) I started in October with the process and was selected by the December board. But I only had to take a PFT (physical fitness test) once because I scored high. If she is in good shape and scores above a 250 then she should be good C) PLC is less competitive then OCC which is after you graduate from college, but it is still competitive. I would say she could get accepted with above a 3.0 gpa and at least a 250 PFT and with the AFROTC and some good letter of recommendations. But your best bet is to get into contact with an Officer Selection Officer (OSO), ASAP. She could go down this summer with out "jumping through the paperwork" if she contacts one soon and busts her but. Let me know how it goes.
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