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Questions about SNA and my recruiter


First off, I know there is a sh*t ton of info on this but I'm not so sure after meeting with my recruiter. I've been doing a lot of research on what it takes to become a Navy Officer and a Pilot. To cut to the chase, I'm only applying for SNA slot as I have seen others recommend on this site (which seems to be a very reliable source of info) because it is what I really want to do. I'm still in the process of getting my OCS packet together but I'm curious about my recruiter. He seems like he's shooting me straight enough but he's really pushing me to apply for SNA/SNFO and really anything else in aviation. He says I'm better off "getting my foot in the door" and that just seems to go against what everyone has said on this site. If I don't want NFO, I shouldn't apply for it, let alone sign a contract for it. This so much is clear. I don't know why he would tell me to just get in to aviation in general. I know a lot depends on my ASTB scores (which I haven't taken yet). So I have a few questions:

1) Is my recruiter just telling me what I want to hear to meet quota? Should/can I go to a different officer recruiter?

2) If I do get approved for SNA slot and I sign the contract, is there any chance I can be redesignated to a different slot before/during flight school? From what I've gathered on this site it seems if I fail in flight school I might also be reassigned. Is this true? Or only if you signed for other options such as SWO?

Of course my intention is to make it all the way through and bust my butt one step at a time but I want to be prepared for anything. Especially since my recruiter seems to be painting up a good picture for me. I know it's going to be a lot more difficult than he is making it seem. I kinda just want to hear it straight, no BS. I'm still going through with it. Thanks ahead for any replys!


Well-Known Member
On your first part, you are right on track and have answered your first question.

1) I would say you are probably right, second part, no but let him know you only want to apply for SNA and stick to your guns.
2) yes, medical issues do happen and you need to ask yourself what you will do if it does. If a person fails flight school sometimes they get redesignated, sometimes they get sent home.


Diggin' the PNW
1. It is common to apply for both, and be Pro-Rec'd (professionally recommended) for both.

2. Yes, re-des can happen for a number of reasons... medical, academic, performance, conduct, etc. Prepare for what you can, do your best, and trust the process. There are a lot of factors outside of your control, but it's been working for over 100 years.

3. Do it. It's a really good gig.


Thanks again for the replys. I'm excited for the long journey ahead! I hope I'm honored enough to get wings!