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Questions about the Intel/IW/IP and recommendations


New Member
Hi my name is Feng

A little background for me, I am 27 years old male, naturalized citizen originally from China. Graduated in UCLA with Electrical Engineering bachelor degree, GPA 3.35. My OAR score is 63. I am currently preparing the package for OCS and mainly interested in Intelligence and SWO. I have clean background/police record/financial status/non negative factors.

I was told by my recruiter that the chance for applicants like me with my parents are not yet naturalized and are from a non friendly country is relatively slim. I am wondering can anyone here let me know my chances for intelligence community? How big the role that my parents' citizenship status play to results the unfavorable outcome? I and my family do have very clean background.

It may be asked so many times already, I heard that the selection board for SWO is full or almost full for FY 2014. With the situation like this, does anyone have some recommendation for me what program I should choose as priority and what are the chances for me to get in? I have five LOR from former employer, colleagues, and Navy personnel as character references. Haven't started the officer interview yet but I am looking forward to wrap up my package in next two weeks.

Also I have saw lots of post here mentioning that the leadership/extra curriculum/volunteer experience plays a big role for selection; however as I am preparing the package there are no form on the checklist mentioning where I should add these extra stuff as well as the motivation letter. Does anyone have any feedbacks on this?

Thanks so much in advance for your help, Greatly appreciated!!


Active Member
IDC requires immediate family members be US citizens.
Motivation statement should include a great paragraph on Diversity - that growing up with a different cultural influence will allow you to better relate/understand/work with your Sailors and as we become a more global Navy the understanding and importance of culture will blah blah blah. The Navy is trying to reflect the population of our country -- so make that point in your statement.


New Member
Divo, thanks for the tips of how to write the motivational statement! In terms of volunteer/extra curriculum experiences how should I add those part to my package?


Making Recruiting Great Again
Unless you have prior/current experience in the IDC fields (served as a CT, IT, IS, etc. in the Navy or similar in other branches) chances of getting selected are extremely difficult. Looking at previous board results, most selected came straight from the fleet or previously served.


*Insert nerd wings here*
To the OP, I think you will have serious trouble getting a TS-SCI clearance for IDC designators (although I'm not 100% sure that IP requires one), which is going to be a big turn off for the board. I had a NIOBC classmate who has still ongoing (I think) clearance issues because his dad is from a certain South American country, and he has no relationship with the guy at all. I can't imagine what hoops you'll have to go through with Chinese parents.


New Member
Thanks Rufio and LFC for the feedback, I will turn my direction toward SWO and Supply to aim for a higher chance then!