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Questions to Navy Recruiters and USMC OSOs

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Registered User
I have some questions that I hope someone can help me with:

1) I'm 29 and really want to be a pilot (not NFO). I understand that the Marine Corps would grant an age waiver to prior-enlisted up to about 30/31. (I've been a Reservist for 2 years). I talked to a Navy Recruiter and he told me the maximum age for Navy even for prior-enlisted is 29. However, I read it from the Navy website about OCS program for prior enlisted and it says 31. So which one is it? I have a high PFT score (above 285) and good eyesight, am I likely to be granted the age waiver from 1) the Marine Corps and 2) the Navy?

2) I have lately developed some kind of allergy, it's not severe and I don't have to see the doctor about it. I do have some sneezing, a little bit of runny eyes and very minor wheezing, nothing serious. Is this disqualifying? Or do I need a waiver for it? What's the chance of getting one? If any Recruiter, OSO, or even Flight Surgeon can answer me, I would really appreciate it.

My final question is, I have a pretty good record but with the above two conditions combined, what's my chance of getting a guaranteed pilot contract from the Marine Corps and/or Navy?

Thank you for all your time, Recruiters or not. Please feel free to put in your opinion
or information if you have any.



Registered User
The Navy's age limit for piors is 31. I am 29 and will be 30 in sept. and had no problem getting an SNA slot.


Your MOM!
I'm certain that you can get a waiver for up to 48 months on a month-to-month basis. 24 months active duty will get you a 24 month waiver. It also has to be active time and not reserve, but don't take my word for it. Do your own research to be certain.


Registered User
If all you have in regards to allergies is what you mentioned above, you should have no problem getting a waiver. I've heard of worse allergy related cases and waivers were issued.
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