Housing options greatly depends on whether or not you are married. If you are, great!!!...you get to live off base and collect that magnificent BAH.....and you also get to put up with the hellishness that ensues just trying to get onto base in the morning (construction has caused SEVERE traffic delays around here). If you arent married, then most likely you will be living in the NAV dorms (like myself), and there is very little getting around this (read: you WILL be in the dorms) which sucks at first, but is acutally pretty cool when you get a load of the gucci AF facilities around base, and your AF neighbors are pretty cool folk :>
If you are the former, I could probably throw some rental info your way, or you can get "house hunting" leave and visit Randolph early (also something I did). That way you can visit the base housing office which is extremely helpful in finding good local rentals.
Let me know if I can help you more...and good luck