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Raptor on the defensive


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
USAF request in FY07 for $1.5B in fixes is getting a warm reception on the hill: http://home.hamptonroads.com/stories/story.cfm?story=105965&ran=49149&tref=po

Author of above article went to this website to pull the Sprey and Stevenson diatribes on "Is F-22 worth the money?" http://www.cdi.org/friendlyversion/printversion.cfm?documentID=3389

(note: there are two separate briefs on this link if you scroll down to bottom)



is clara ship
Mefesto said:
In a word, IMHO, hell yes we need the F-22. Someone smarter than me said that when the next major war breaks out, we don't want it to be a fair fight. And after reading some of the classified info from Topgun on "recent events", I'm convinced more than ever we need the Raptor. Especially talking to Hornet and other guys that have first hand knowledge of it's capabilities.

just out of curiousity (and in the unclassified sense), what "recent events" are you speaking of? I haven't been privy to any news of any recent air-to-air encounters, and I'd be interested to hear the tale(s).....


Doing Flips and Shit.
I read somewhere that the fighting between the Indi's and us was not exactly "fair." Can't remember where I heard that though.


I read somewhere that the fighting between the Indi's and us was not exactly "fair." Can't remember where I heard that though.

War ain't fair. We should be able to beat them with the odds stacked against us.


According to Colonel Greg Neubeck, deputy commander of operations for the wing’s 3rd Operations Group and exercise director for Cope India, in these offensive and defensive missions, four F-15Cs were usually flying against ten or twelve of the same model Indian fighters. The 3rd Operations Group was responsible for the 3rd Wing’s flying mission. He further stated that what USAF faced was not only superior numbers, but also IAF pilots who were very proficient in their aircraft and smart on tactics, a tough combination for the USAF to overcome.
from the above link, and repeated ad nauseum everywhere

edit: had not refreshed my page to see all those posts didn't even know that mefesto and i both used ad nauseum


Moreover although F-117A can carry self-defence AAMs, its internal weapon bay usually carries a combination of Paveway series LBGs (Laser Guided Bombs) and AGM-88 HARM (High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile). No wonder one very high-profile aviation journalist remarked that the only air-to-air combat option an F-117A fighter pilot may select is to make rude gestures to his adversary.

Yeah they also believe the Nighthawk carries sidewinders