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New Member
I applied for SNA in Aug., got denied and am wondering when I can re-apply? Do I have to wait 6 months or does something like an interview (which I have already done) or a new transcript allow you to re-apply right then?


New Member
i got denied because of gpa. i am a junior and am applying for bdcp sna. my recruiter told me that an interview would help so i got that done. last time i asked he said you can apply whenever you want but i wanted to double check on here. if that is the case, i will go ahead and re-apply with the interview and statement of why i want to be reconsidered. but if not, i guess i either have to wait for 6 months or until my grades come in. what should/can i do?


Will fly for food.
I'm not familiar with that program at all, unfortunately, but I'd say work your ass off at grades and keep reapplying. In terms of when you can reapply, I'd do it at the next opportunity (preferably after showing significant improvement), but I'll defer to someone with more experience. Don't give up though. There's a guy here who applied three times to get accepted into the Marine Corps for OCS and he's doing quite well at API. The biggest thing is don't get discouraged. You're only a junior so you have time to improve.


Active Member
I applied for SNA in Aug., got denied and am wondering when I can re-apply? Do I have to wait 6 months or does something like an interview (which I have already done) or a new transcript allow you to re-apply right then?
if there is significant change in your GPA that is good enough to eliminate the 6 month wait.


Active Member
does an interview count to eliminate the 6 mo. wait?
it depends on the Program manager. usually the answer is NO but they my feel good one day and push it thru. If it is a new interview and you did alot to get it like drive 400 miles or fly to hawaii then it will help. I used that once an got a guy in one month after he was turned down. BUT as a general rule an new interview will not help get you thru


I was in the same shoes and all I can tell you is be persistant ask your recruiter what they want to see from you and give it to them. I had a crappy GPA in engineering and pulled the last two years on deans lists to get my pro rec SNA. Also did some driving. Use your connections if you have any and do not let the rejections get you down. The wait with me it seemed was up to ppl you will never get the name of. Lucky for them right? Good luck and keep the faith you will get there also!