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re-enlisting and OCS...is there a catch?

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Registered User
alright. with my current rate and my NEC, I am eligible for a nice little SRB (27K for 6 years). However, I am worried that this will get in the way for any chance I have at getting into OCS. I dont know what I'm worried about; I guess that the Navy would have some way of making sure that this kind of thing doesnt happen.

Does anyone know about this? Should I just let my PRD trickle away or can I re-enlist and then a year later class up for OCS?


Your MOM!
You can go to OCS if you want, but if you don't finish your SRB contract then you would get the money that you received up to your OCS date recouped. For example, if you sign a six year contract for 20k and you are selected for OCS three years into it, then you would have to pay back the three years you have already received or 10k. Look in the DFAS website and look for the DoDFMR vol. 7. If you have any more finance questions let me know. I work in military finance, so if I don't know the answear somebody here or at DFAS Europe down the street will know.

Don't sweat the small stuff!

Edited by - Vic on 08/01/2002 00:48:43


Registered User
There isn't any recoupment of SRB. Whatever you have received up until the point you are accepted is yours, the rest is immediately stopped. So for example, if you are picked up for OCS a year after you re-enlist then you keep half of your SRB. The half that you received up front. I am in an active-duty commissioning program now so we have many people in the same situation as you. I have received $27k of a $45k SRB and I will only have completed 2 years of my six year contract. You just have to re-enlist before you begin the application process for OCS. If you re-enlist after you begin your application, then it is supposed to be withheld until you get the results. So you only receive the SRB if you are rejected.
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