New Member
Hey Airwarriors
So- this is my first post but I've been reading threads for years during college. I know that most of you adamantly discourage those w/o any previous time in service from enlisting, but what about a prior E (re)enlisting after not getting picked up for a commission? I'm a former P-3 AWO that will be graduating w/ a B.S. in health care administration in May 2013. My ultimate goal is to get picked up for the HSCP program & become a MSC health care admin officer. The MSC requires me to have a masters degree, and since I've exhausted my GI bill there's no way I can acquire my MHA w/o going into tons of debt or only going to school part time & working while I complete the degree. I'll be 30 when I graduate which is why I don't plan or expect to get picked up for SNA/SNFO and have thought about applying for Supply, but the outlook doesn't look so good from what I've read here on Airwarriors. If I re-enlist I most likely would go in as an E5, making roughly $50k/yr, which is probably more than I would make as a civilian w/o much healthcare experience. Also, I believe I'd have a great shot at the MSC-IPP program, which would allow me to complete my MHA at Baylor... or I could at least start working on my MHA on my own during my enlistment. I currently have a 3.3 gpa, minors in poli-sci & business, was elected to my co-ed business fraternity's executive board, participate in numerous community service events, and will be inducted into an honor society in the fall...I really hope to get picked up for a commission & see the military as a long term career. I just don't know what's smarter- taking a step back into the enlisted ranks in hopes of being accepted into an enlisted commissioning program or taking a few extra years to complete my masters on my own as a civilian & possibly getting complacent w/ life or having kids or dealing w/ any other life changing events that alter my path & dreams of becoming a Naval officer. Thanks in advance for any constructive advice!