I applied for a navy program about 2 years ago and didn't get in. boohoo. I'm back to pursue PLC-Law. I'm good to go on everything but the physical. Basically I have a little less than a year to get in shape (I want to go to Quantico next summer). Anyone have advice, websites, etc to share? Consider me mostly sedentary (I'm doing operations for a retail company till law school starts). I used to run cross country in high school. My main concern is how to build mileage and speed and not injure myself, building upper body strength so I can ATTEMPT a pull-up (I'm female), and swimming. I'm a recreational swimmer...I can do backstroke and crawl...both not that well (I float really well tho! haha). That's about it. Thanks! Oh...I don't have a gym membership. I have access to a pull up bar. At law school, I'll have access to a gym and pool almost 24/7.