I was selected end of July for the Pilot BDCP. It definately took forever. It went through two boards. The initial board where I got "pro req'ed" or something, then about 13 years later after I did the MEPS physical (which got lost...twice) and finished the EPSQ (lost once) it went to a final select board. The EPSQ is what slowed me down the most. Trying to find everyone from everywhere i have lived was rather hard. (Took ASTB Nov. 19, 2005---final select July 26th, 2006)
As for my scores,
OAR 65, 8/8/7, the 7 was in navigation. G.P.A. 3.36 Mechanical Engineering, LA TECH. About to be a Junior.
I was a professional aviation major for 1 quarter. I used my private pilot book to study the basics in the aviation. If your scores are a little low consider buying the ASTB books on Amazon. Some questions were the same concepts just different #'s. You can get a deal with two books, just search ASTB on Amazon. They have practice sections that explain how to approach the problems, and practice exams for the flight exam for each branch...just do them all, it is good practice.
If you need anything else.....just post it.