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recruiters, recruiters


Registered User
I am not complaining, but I have had a very rough time getting consistent answers from recruiters. I started out as an undesignated airman and through a very winding path ended up with the Bees. I am now an EO2. I earned my BS in Electrical Engineering in 2006. I decided to try for my commission in the Reserves.
I really missed my days with the squadron and with the engineering degree decided to try for AMDO. Recruiter #1 told me that I have no chance of making AMDO, but I should try for AEDO. At the time, I didn’t know AEDO existed. Later that week, I was told that I needed to speak to a different recruiter as I am not in his district.
Recruiter #2 told my there is NO chance of me getting in the AEDO community. Those positions are pretty much reserved for LDO types. Because of my degree and I have a specialization in wireless communications and signals analysis, I should try for Information Officer (used to be crypto) or Intel. The first day that I spoke to Recruiter #2, he was on house hunting leave as he was exiting the navy. I get shuffled to Recruiter #3 who had no idea what is going on with me.
Recruiter #3 tells me that I have NO Chance of AMDO, NO chance of AEDO, NO chance of Intel, NO chance of IO. He’s “not telling me what to try for,” but he said, “why don’t try for SWO(Engineering Duty Officer Option)?
Now, after reading the job descriptions of all the above positions, they all sound interesting for various reasons. But my question is, “does anybody have a clue of what is going on?” And is there a source of information on-line or something I could check out to find out what the real deal is? I played this game with the enlisted recruiters. I’m not sure why I’m surprised to by playing it with the officers.

Thanks in advance for replies.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
O.K. first, is it just a SELRES direct commission job you want? Most of the guys that will answer this thread are basing their comments on personal experience with the active duty OCS program. Keep that in mind because you may get enthusiastic answers that just don't apply to you. Still this is one of the best places to get the answers you want.

AMDO is dieing on the vine. They are correct, little chance for that active or reserve.

AEDO not available through OCS active duty. An option for you in the reserves but they probably want more aeronautical related work experience before a dircom to that community. Still possible unless there simply are no quotas, which is very possible.

SWO EDO not an option in reserves last I looked since you would need to go on active duty long enough to get your pin anyway. Active duty SWO EDO is an option with your degree, if they have quotas. We are talking very small numbers here.

Both reserve dircom and active duty Intel and IW should be a good fit for you. Can't say what was going through the recruiters mind.

Have you thought about Civil Engineering? That would be the best option, active and dircom, unless you want out of the SEABEES. Then again, CE is about more then just the SEABEES.

Still there is more to know. How old are you? GPA? Still in the reserves?

I think you have just caught the NRD at a bad time. There are some active duty recruiters on AW that can give you a better idea about quotas. I have been out of the game for a few months now.


Active Member
I am not complaining, but I have had a very rough time getting consistent answers from recruiters. I started out as an undesignated airman and through a very winding path ended up with the Bees. I am now an EO2. I earned my BS in Electrical Engineering in 2006. I decided to try for my commission in the Reserves.
I really missed my days with the squadron and with the engineering degree decided to try for AMDO. Recruiter #1 told me that I have no chance of making AMDO, but I should try for AEDO. At the time, I didn’t know AEDO existed. Later that week, I was told that I needed to speak to a different recruiter as I am not in his district.
Recruiter #2 told my there is NO chance of me getting in the AEDO community. Those positions are pretty much reserved for LDO types. Because of my degree and I have a specialization in wireless communications and signals analysis, I should try for Information Officer (used to be crypto) or Intel. The first day that I spoke to Recruiter #2, he was on house hunting leave as he was exiting the navy. I get shuffled to Recruiter #3 who had no idea what is going on with me.
Recruiter #3 tells me that I have NO Chance of AMDO, NO chance of AEDO, NO chance of Intel, NO chance of IO. He’s “not telling me what to try for,” but he said, “why don’t try for SWO(Engineering Duty Officer Option)?
Now, after reading the job descriptions of all the above positions, they all sound interesting for various reasons. But my question is, “does anybody have a clue of what is going on?” And is there a source of information on-line or something I could check out to find out what the real deal is? I played this game with the enlisted recruiters. I’m not sure why I’m surprised to by playing it with the officers.

Thanks in advance for replies.

PM me with your info stats and such and I will give you the scoop


Haha i was just having a conversation where it seemed like my recruiter was dicking me around too. are they all like this, and is it possible that someone like Goob would be able to help me even if all my paperwork is done with someone else?


Registered User
O.K. first, is it just a SELRES direct commission job you want?
Yes, I am only interested in SELRES DCO.
AMDO is dieing on the vine. AEDO…

I am alright with not getting this position. When I started this, it would have been my first choice. I have to travel each month on my own dime. If I only had to go to Oceana (from Ohio) I would have been OK. I was told, from the recruiter, that Oceana is on the short list for closure and the planes might be moving to one of the Carolinas. It that case, it would cost me money take the position. Either way, I can’t take that chance with a career decision.
SWO EDO not an option in reserves last I looked since you would need to go on active duty long enough to get your pin anyway. Active duty SWO EDO is an option with your degree, if they have quotas. We are talking very small numbers here.
In the electronic application packet that was sent to me from the processor, there was a file APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION [NAVCRUIT 1131/2 Rev. 5-06] (DISKETTE OR EMAIL ATTACHMENT) INSTRUCTIONS, APPENDIX 1. This is list of all the titles and their associated designators. Among them is…
Surface Warfare Engineering Duty Officer (EDO) (RESERVE)--- 04 / 14650
The recruiter that a SWO(EDO) was picked up out of the Pittsburgh area this last year. He didn’t specify if it was Reserve or Active, just that he was non-prior.

Both reserve dircom and active duty Intel and IW should be a good fit for you. Can't say what was going through the recruiters mind.
This was my thought too. Especially the IW spot and to be honest, learning what I have about the different jobs, I find the most interesting.
Have you thought about Civil Engineering? That would be the best option, active and dircom, unless you want out of the SEABEES. Then again, CE is about more then just the SEABEES.
I do want out of the SeaBees. My last enlistment ended in Jun 07. I will either gain my commission in another field, or closed the door on my service. Of which, by the way, I am very proud of.
Still there is more to know. How old are you? GPA? Still in the reserves?

I am 34, 2.86 GPA, and am starting grad-school next year. Not currently in the reserves. I have 14 years in (only 10 good years)(5 years active, 5 years reserve, 4 years IRR)


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
A reserve SWO/EDO option would be new to me. How would a guy get his pin? In any case Intel and IW seem the best fit. Take Goob up on his offer of help. Good luck.


Wink, i think what they are doing is similar to the SWO/METOC option that i am applying for. It was described that you go out to sea for roughly a year to get your SWO quals done then you would go to the specialty school, then onward to your first duty station


Registered User

Thanks for all your time and replies. I have exchanged info with Goob and he has given me some good gouge.

Thanks again and I'll keep you posted!
