recruiters unofficial Forumla for ASTB scores
This is for the old test, it is supposed to be a formula for scores that recruiters can use to get unofficial scores.
It does not have the old sections.
Just replace the values in the blue for your raw scores.
However, I think the scores it gives back are extremely inflated. According to this worksheet and formula, it would seem fairly easy to make all 7's.
So take it for what it's worth, just thought I'd share it though.
According to this someone who received: 30/37 for MVT(math/verbal), 20/30 MCT(mechanical comprehension), 20/30 ANI(aviation/nautical information), and 30/35 SAT(spacial apperception) would get 7,7,7 and an OAR of 55. This is for the old test, but you can imagine what the equiv. of today's test would be.
This is for the old test, it is supposed to be a formula for scores that recruiters can use to get unofficial scores.
It does not have the old sections.
Just replace the values in the blue for your raw scores.
However, I think the scores it gives back are extremely inflated. According to this worksheet and formula, it would seem fairly easy to make all 7's.
So take it for what it's worth, just thought I'd share it though.
According to this someone who received: 30/37 for MVT(math/verbal), 20/30 MCT(mechanical comprehension), 20/30 ANI(aviation/nautical information), and 30/35 SAT(spacial apperception) would get 7,7,7 and an OAR of 55. This is for the old test, but you can imagine what the equiv. of today's test would be.