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Remaining Boards for PLC 06-Combined

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When are the remaining boards for PLC06-Combined?

I failed to get my pft over 225 for the March board, and I'm wondering how much time I have left. The rest of my package is complete and fairly strong, but I let myself get weak in college and am paying for it now.

I'm a junior, so if I don't make it I'll graduate a semester early and try for OCS191 via OCC.


Prospective Candidate for OCS
hey, i don't want to demoralize you, but if you are barely hitting the 225 PFT now, your chances of getting accepted are slim, especially this late. a 225 would be fine if you were contracting last august. As it gets closer to the summer, the competition gets harder. i would suggest keep workin on that pft, and hopefully hit a 260 or so by the time the board meets


Registered User
mmx, talk to your oso about delaying your inteneded graduation a semester. I am actually a senior right now and i was going to graduate this coming fall (taking summer and fall classes). But around christmas time i decided to join the Corps. My ocs recommended that i delay (not take summer classes) and apply for PLC.

Also, with working out, it only took me about 8 weeks to get around a 263. I am now around a 270. I could do maybe 12 pullsup, and my run time was around 26 min when i first started. I hope that helps.

Good luck


Registered User
mmx, sorry about the misinfo on the board dates. I don't know where to find those. I just always talked with my oso to find out. It all comes down to how well your relationship is with your OSO.



no prob, thanks for the advice. Thing is, I've only known my OSO for two months and I'm not wholly sure how forthright they are with me about my chances, and if that's why they're so vague on dates and stuff, or if they're genuinely swamped. Not pointing any fingers, I think my OSO and OSA are good guys, but I've heard all the stories about enlisted recruiters and I'm not quite sure what to expect on the officer side. He says I've got a good chance as my academics and letters are excellent (1600 SAT, aced the ASTB), but I sort of expect he has to be optimistic. Still, I guess it's a good sign they're taking the time to help me work out.

My problem is i decided late, too - this past winter (I'm a junior). I'd called him to discuss OCC but he encouraged me to try for PLC this summer. I walked in his office in January unable to complete a pull-up. I've been working out nonstop since then but the progress has been slow. I'm up to seven pullups and a 26 minute run.

If I fail to get selected, I may graduate a semester early, but I'll be going in the OCC pool and will need a much better PFT. My parents will not be happy if I take another year (I was going to graduate this spring but took an extra semester to reconsider going to graduate school...and promptly decided to join the Corps), but I may try for the combined program here and transfer over to the engineering school here, which'd buy me another year.


Registered User
seriously man, the key to all of the working out is finding someone who can hit it with you at least 5 days a week. That is the only way you will get the score up.

I have found that my OSO has been very straight with me. As far as the board dates go, they might or might not know. I was always told the general dates (late feb, ect) as to when a board would meet.

What is your degree in? The switching to engineering wouldn't be a bad idea if you were trying to buy time. Esp if you could take summer classes. Do ocs in the fall, and grad in the spring. Its an idea at least.


New Member
Just talked to my OSA today. Found out I got a 6/6/6 on ASTB (eeck!) that I took over a month ago.

Anyways, he told me there is another board April 15 and another one later on for PLC, but last year's final board (I'm guessing early May) got cancelled. However, he said if there are many qualified candidates still applying, the OSO Captain's can get together and "convince" the board to meet by begging the higher ups to do so.

I too am in your boat (PLC Combined). I actually found out about the PLC program, air contracts, etc. early February this year. Took the ASTB and had a flight physical with a week's notice. I have gotten bogged down with school, sickness, fraternity, etc so haven't been able to work out as much as I'd like/have in the past (sounds like excuses; damnit). Still haven't PFT'd yet (will on Thurs, 3/31). Still working on recs. OSA highly recommends PLC over OCC so I'm kinda in a pickle.

More stats:
Major: Finance
GPA: 3.4
SAT: 1300 (twice)

My question: does having prior military recs mean that much? I see many people list the multitude of 0-1's they know along with higher ranking officers they are going to get recs from. My OSA had just told me to get a prof, employer, and at least three other non-family recs. I know some American pilots with time in the Air Force but not that well. Should I get under ten quality recs or shoot for as many with as many priors included?

Getting over the flu and starting the Armstrong program, 2 minutes of sit ups a day, and running everyday for a month crash course.


I'm a math major. Had been planning to go to grad school but decided at the last minute I was not going to fit in in academia. Joining the Corps is in part fulfilling a childhood fascination with aviation. I'd go for a ME or EE degree, but that'd involve another two years in undergrad. As far as OCC is concerned, can they submit a package while you're in school, so you can attend immediately after graduation, or do you have to wait until you have your B.A. in hand? (One of the benefits of PLC, if I get into and pass OCS, would be not having to go through the gauntlet of interviews my senior friends are).

Tegtag - according to stats posted over at marineocs.com, acceptance rates are 85% for PLC, 40% for OCC.

I'm not sure about the recs, I don't have any prior military myself. I think it's a matter of credibility - the Selection board's naturally going to look favorably on letters from those who've served. Ten seems a bit excessive, though. I'd say go for a good mix - from people who know you well and will write sterling letters, and also a few priors whose letters may be more generic.
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