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Report date

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OCC 191 Select
Another thing I never thought to ask on here.... If I am selected for 190, the report date is Oct. 9th. I am free to do whatever before that right? I ask because I am getting married Oct. 1 and going on my honeymoon from the 3rd until late evening the 8th. Should I be fortunate enough to get selected I will drive from Arlington to Quantico the next day.

Fingers crossed..............


Long live the UFC!
Being that you are close to Quantico, what you plan to do is fine. However, I live in NC and my OSO had all of the candidates get together the day before we were to check in. He wanted to see us leave for himself so that he could account for our whereabouts....


OCC 191 Select
But I should be fine right? I mean I didn't even think about it until AFTER the honeymoon was booked etc.... I hope my OSO doesn't plan on seeing us before we leave. If he does, I will be out of town the last 2 wks before OCS. Would they make an exception? I figured, report date = first legal date needed to report..........

Malice 1

I live nearby OCS too. Just show up at 4 or 5pm on the 9th and you will be fine. Make sure your stuff is packed before you go on vacation though.


Long live the UFC!
Malice 1 said:
I live nearby OCS too. Just show up at 4 or 5pm on the 9th and you will be fine. Make sure your stuff is packed before you go on vacation though.
Actually 4 or 5 is pretty late. It may be within regs..... however there were problems with some candidates getting a complete small and large bag issue because they ran out of a lot of the items and if I remember correctly, those same candidates still did not have every item when I left after week 4. I would recommend getting there pretty early. I shipped out with 12 other candidates from my area. We got there around 2 and the squad bays were already packed! I didn't get to place my gear on a rack until later that night when the Sgt. was going nuts trying to find a place.....ANY PLACE.... for us to sleep. Although you may want your last couple of hours of freedom, or one last good meal and even though you may just sit around for hours on end......... getting there early may make it easier for you regarding paperwork, bag issue, and the other fill in the blanks.

Malice 1


You're probably right. It would suck bad to not get all of your bag items. I said he should get there late to minimize his time at OCS. try and arrive at 3pm.


OCC 191 Select
I was planning on getting there by 2 even. I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't be a problem that I will be gone for wedding/honeymoon between Sept. 30-evening of Oct 8th.

Do I need to even tell my OSO this now or can I just wait until I am selected to mention it? I didn't think it would be a problem but I wasn't sure if they would have some requirement to meet the week before and obviously I won't be around to do that.


Long live the UFC!
I would wait. That way, instead of calling him with a question here... a question there..... you can has a list of questions that you can ask all at one time.


OCC 191 Select
Cool. I am running my PFT for the board next friday (hopefully I do well enough to apply for 190) I just wasn't sure if not telling him til I got selected he might be angry. However, from what I am gathering, my legal obligation doesn't start til the report date of the 9th so there is no problem with me going on vacation right up until the day before I report, correct?

Hope all is well with everybody on the long weekend. Mine was butchered by a wedding in nowheresville, PA lol............


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
...my OSO had all of the candidates get together the day before we were to check in. He wanted to see us leave for himself so that he could account for our whereabouts....

I know that they do this as well at my OSO office. All the candidates report to the hotel the day before and then the morning of go to the airport together. Might be worth checking to see if your OSO does the same thing.


OCC 191 Select
There is no flights for my area. I am in the northern VA area and go through the Hyattesville OSO. Considering that reagan is where they fly you into, and I live 2 minutes from reagan, I am sure that isn't the case.

I live just outside of DC, 45 minutes north of Quantico. If the OSO gets everyone together to drive down or something, from what I am finding, I would be excused from it. If my legal obligation doesn't begin until the 9th then I should be fine and I am sure my OSO will be cool about it.

First I gotta get selected.....................


OCC 191 Select
Are my insane to have let my fiance have us on our honeymoon from the 3rd-8th? My flight gets in at reagan at 10:40 PM. I am going to go home and go to bed by around 12. Sleep til 9, get up, eat, and drive the 45 minutes to Quantico (should I be fortunate enough to get selected).

What goes on Sunday exactly? Most ppl. on the board have told me this plan is fine, I guess I am just naturally worried............


New Member
Just be smart about what you do on said honeymoon (i.e. don't drink too much).

Sunday-Tuesday are basically admin days. You do all of your inprocessing and medical screening during those days. When I was there, we sat in the classroom and got brief after mind numbing brief about how things work at OCS. I can essentially sum up 2.5 days of briefs right here:



OCC 191 Select
Great. Thanks Crowbar. You have made me feel much better about the situation. I just coulnd't tell my fiance no.... After all, she is supporting me following my dream of becoming a Marine Aviator, the least I can do is give her a week in paradise before I am gone for 10 wks.

Roger that on the drinking. I probably won't drink much at all, and nothing after like wed. of our vacation. Most of my plans consist of SCUBA diving and enjoying the tropical paradise that is Sandals Ochos Rios.

As of now, this isn't even an issue since I haven't gotten picked up, but its better safe than sorry.
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