If it works the same way that it did when I checked in, you'll want to go on Saturday afternoon to the building that it says to check in to. I think you actually check in to the API building. There, a stash Ensign will stamp your orders and (if they've warned him in advance that there will be OCS guys checking in) tell you what time to report back on Sunday. Then he will probably suggest getting a room in the BOQ. I highly reccomend this. The BOQ at NAS P'Cola is quite nice and you can't beat it for 15 bucks. If you get there early (Thursday or Friday) just show the gate guard your orders, get your temporary pass for your car, and ask where the BOQ is. Then show the BOQ your orders, tell them that you're checking in to OCS and they should give you a room. Main thing is to ENJOY THAT SATURDAY NIGHT. Go see a movie, toss a few back if you want, eat a nice dinner, chill. Then get plenty of sleep. The fun will start on Sunday.