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Reserves then OCC?

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Registered User
I've recently decided to try and sign up for the October OCC class, and I'm curious about the suggestion my OSO has given me...

He's basically telling me to enlist in the reserves, he'll put a hold on me, then apply for OCC. His reasoning is that it's near impossible for a white male to apply and get accepted, and that I can use my Parris Island "experience" as my conditioning/training.

Am I just getting smoke blown up my ass? Are they trying to meet quotas or something?

Now, I don't think I'm too bad of a candidate either... I mean I'd probably score around a 180-190 (without ANY conditioning in 6 months... due to work), I could probably get it over 225 in a month if need be. GPA in college was a 3.1, sat scores 1230, I already took the flight exam with an OSO in college (I was just tossing around the idea then) and I believe I only got like 5 questions wrong.

What's the deal here?


CPlesh said:
His reasoning is that it's near impossible for a white male to apply and get accepted, and that I can use my Parris Island "experience" as my conditioning/training./QUOTE]

"White male". I don't think they pull the racial card when it comes to OCS selection. It is either you meet standards or you don't. The militray in this day an age is far from being that.

You need to check back with him and find out what he is really implying.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Well your PFT score sucks you need about 75 more points tacked on to the 190 to be competitive. Yes there are various quotas, yes that is the way it is no it wont change in the near future.

Ask some questions of the OSO maybe all hi other applicants have better stats, sometimes that happens. If you cant get the extra PFT scores on your own Im sure a Marine DI would be more than happy to provide you the motivation. And already being a Marine can only help your chances.


Registered User
I've already asked...

He stated that there are X amount of slots and that affirmative action dictates a significantly greater chance for a minority (especially females) to be accepted into OCC. And that having "Marine" already on my resume will greatly improve my chances of being accepted.

Not that I really mind going to P.I. My ex-gf is a DI there, which could prove to be my demise, but I'm one of those wierd people that would find it fun... I just don't want to further delay getting into the position I hope to land.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Well seems as though you are stopped not delayed right now. You can either apply next year with the same package that didnt work or go do something to strengthen your position.
Good luck either way.


Registered User
I have yet to even apply, I'm just going off the word of this 1 guy... thus is why I am asking for a second opinion.

And I should note that my 180-190 is just a guess on my pft score. When I was applying in college, I trained for 4 months and was up around 260, and I was in worse shape when I started.. so I'm not too worried about pulling my score up.


Registered User
A recruiter told me something like that in high school- if I enlisted in DEP I was almost a shoo-in for a 4 year Marine NROTC scholarship. I didn't, got a Navy one instead, but I'd try and find another OSO to ask. You're from Jersey, I'm assuming there'd be one pretty close by.


Registered User
Which office are you using?

Which OSO office are you using? The NYC office is always more competitive.


War were declared.
It's been said before on this site- but I'll say it again.
Enlisting is not necessarily a stepping stone to a commission. You should enlist only if you desire the experience of being an enlisted Marine, not just for your PLC application. Enlisting means a whole hell of a lot more than just going to Parris Island for a few months, and there's a good chance it will also mean putting your life on hold for at least a year for a tour in Iraq. There is alot to be learned about yourself and about leadership by enlisting, but realise all of the consequences as well. If this makes you too uncomfortable, then just reapply next year, and if you are OK with all of this then go for it.

As far as PT is concerned, you want to have absolutely no less than a 260 before applying. A 225 won't cut it, regardless of what the "minimum requirements" are.


Registered User
I'm using the bergen county oso..

And, Taxman, that was the purpose of the OSO putting a hold on me.. I forgot the technical 3 letter abbreviation for it, but from what I understand it'll keep me from being shipped to iraq while I apply.


Registered User
Bergen County OSO?

I didn't realize there is an OSO in Bergen County. What town or city is the office in? I know there is one in Iselin and one in Manhattan? Good luck and keep us posted!
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