ARCO's "Military Flight Aptitude Tests" is more or less your best bet for the type of math and such on the test. Perhaps an SAT study guide as well. It covers the basic principles fairly well. For actually learning the basics of physics and math and such, consider going to the library and picking up some algebra books or the like. Specific suggestions are hard for me to give, but there are myriad titles to assist in the basic subjetcs.
Aviation knowledge is probably best acquired by a Private Pilot License study guide at a local FBO. There are basic boating books out there as well to teach some of the rudiments of nautical knowledge. is a good site with basic nautical nomenclature.
The thing is, actually learning the material takes quite a while. If you are taking the test soon, you are probably more in a gouge / regurgitate mode. This means do a lot of test-like probems rather than focusing on the theory and reasoning so much (not to say you shouldn't at all though). Study the ASTB study guide that I stickied at the top of this forum, grab the ARCO book too, if only to have a practice exam available. Since you have already taken the thing once, you know what to expect, and the questions wont be markedly different. Generally retake tests challenge the same concepts, but just change the numbers around somewhat.
If you have any other questions, let us know.