You get to hang on to whatever you earn at TBS. And don't kid yourself, nothing in the Corps is TOO logical :icon_zbee YUT!Does anyone know if we, as Marines, are allowed to re-qual on the rifle and pistol while at flight school? I would assume we would seeing as we will be there for over a year, but who knows... it IS the Marine Corps after all and that is just too logical.
You get to hang on to whatever you earn at TBS. And don't kid yourself, nothing in the Corps is TOO logical :icon_zbee YUT!
You'll be lucky to get the "2nd Award" bar. I signed up for the Rifle Range probably 20 times, and got bumped by someone who needed the score for his cutting score...Even infantry units have heartburn getting the Marines qual'ed every year. They'd rather spend the training week and ammo doing some CQB or the like. Don't expect that "20th Award" bar in the air wing.
You'll be lucky to get the "2nd Award" bar. I signed up for the Rifle Range probably 20 times, and got bumped by someone who needed the score for his cutting score...
last time i qualed with the rifle and pistol was in TBS, in 1999.So my question is how many times have you seen the range and qualed for both pistol and rifle since TBS?
Wishful thinkingI take it it's easier to re-qual on the pistol than rifle, that makes sense. Is there an opportunity for pistol re-qual in P-cola or is that wishful thinking?
... it IS the Marine Corps after all and that is just too logical.
Oh to be young will soon learn that if something is logical in the Corps, turn it 180 degrees and perform repeatedly!! You'll be a star and promoted to LtCol.
Same as just about every other aviator. The last time I did both was TBS, in 1999. Yes, conducting a pistol range is VERY easy compared to a rifle range. You need an RSO/OIC, and coaches. That's it, it can be all internal and its just a matter of reserving the range and requesting the ammo. Rifle Range is a WHOLE 'nother story. Those have to be done at stone bay, and all you provide is the ammo and the coaches. They will only allow so many quotas per week, and at MCAS New River, we have to compete with Camp Lejeune for the quotas. Throw in the fact that young Marines need the scores for promotion, and you can see why I've signed up 10 times and gone zero. Requaled with the pistol every year after hitting the fleet though...So my question is how many times have you seen the range and qualed for both pistol and rifle since TBS? Thanks sir.