4 bedroom house right out back gate of NAS (address is 5429 Keel Drive, if you want to mapquest it or something. it's a new street, so if it doesn't come up, look for Freeboard Blvd).
Right now, it's me (USMC SNFO), a Navy SNFO, and 2 Navy SNAs. One of the Navy pilots is leaving around mid Sept.
Rent is $300/month (CHEAP, i know, but it's a nice place) + 1/4 utilities (prob average $60-80/month).
Right now, it's me (USMC SNFO), a Navy SNFO, and 2 Navy SNAs. One of the Navy pilots is leaving around mid Sept.
Rent is $300/month (CHEAP, i know, but it's a nice place) + 1/4 utilities (prob average $60-80/month).