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Rotary wing vs. Tacair FUN factor

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New Member
Hello all, I've searched this topic so don't hit me with the banhammer.
I have a handful of fixed wing hours in one of my friends C150's and absolutely love it. I've also ridden in a helo and that was a phenomenal experience. Does the element of speed + additional G's make tacair more fun than rotary wing? I understand it's kind of subjective. If so, it's ENJJPT and the AF for me...
Ben ;)


Well-Known Member
Holy crap. I'm not going to let this thread continue - because it's 100% subjective, not "kinda subjective". You're going to love whatever you fly, be it a helicopter, jet, or multi-engine turboprop. If you don't, then there's something wrong with you.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Having experience in both Fixed and Rotary-wing aircraft, I have to say they are both fun in different ways. Low & slow (including hovering) is just as much fun as low & fast.

-ea6bflyr ;)
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