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Running at PLC-seniors?

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Registered User
Hi all. I graduated from juniors last summer, but during my time there i got the sickest i've ever been in my life. coughing up green crap of all kinds and other nasty garbage - it wasn't fun.

my illnesses made my hard-earned 20min run time shoot up to about 22 mins. in other words, it killed my PT.

I'm wondering what the situation for me is going to be like at Seniors, as i can almost guarantee that i'll get really sick again. Will dropping a run or two get my ass kicked out of the program? Will there be some consideration for me if i'm hacking my lungs out and bomb a graded PT event?

this has me really nervous, as i'm a decent runner when i'm well, but a terrible one when i have bronchitus. Will i just get the same demoralizing treatment (chits, a SI dressing down, etc,) or do they boot guys for that stuff?

thanks for any responses.


Knibb High Football Rules!
Geezzz... Get a friggin' vitamin B shot before leaving or something. Hell, start taking antibiotics now if it's going to be that bad.

And yes, they'll very likely boot you if you don't perform up to standards. The SI's will probably tell you to come back when you're not sick or something. Ahhh, you know the drill.


Registered User
If you can physically make it through and pass you should. If you have a broken leg or something like that, they might understand if you've really shown potential, but I'd say suck it up, I had immersion foot (trench foot) for the last 2 and a half weeks of seniors and it killed my PT, but don't give up, with the right mindset, u can overcome anything.


Registered User
Fongabonga said:
If you can physically make it through and pass you should. If you have a broken leg or something like that, they might understand if you've really shown potential, but I'd say suck it up, I had immersion foot (trench foot) for the last 2 and a half weeks of seniors and it killed my PT, but don't give up, with the right mindset, u can overcome anything.

I'm not talking about quitting. THe only way I leave a quitter is in a bodybag

I'm just wondering if they'll accept something like a 22-min run (or its equivilant on the o-course, endurance course, stamina course, etc.)

Of course maybe i'll get lucky and stay healthy the entire course.


Super Moderator
I wouldn't sweat 22 min, heck you'll see candidates show up running a 27 and wonder why their OSO's even considered sending them. When I went to Srs, we had a guy that ran 28 + on the initial PFT, he was gone a few days later. We also had several guys run 24+, probably because they weren't used to the humidity...who knows. I went to Jr's and Sr's running a 21:30 or so and had no problems. Running is definitaly my weak spot.

Stay positive, and focus on putting another check in the box...ie srs.

Good luck


Super Moderator
I can see the words in my head but having my fingers type it all out correctly is a different story all together.... yes, typing is another weak spot, good ol chicken peck style....lol
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