JIMC5499 said:I believe that the rear seats have to be ballasted if the S-3 is flying with two people. Something to do with the seat trajectory during ejection.
Mefesto said:The command eject is to prevent two empty seats from going and wasting precious time, and or the trajectory being off from no body in it...
The ESCAPAC is a good seat --- it saved my butt once. The major malfunctions have been with the seat/canopy interlocks --- don't know whether or not this is a design weakness in the S-3. It was problematical in the A-4. I can't remember the specifics exactly and have no NATOPS for reference, but would not an unoccupied seat have only a stabilizing drogue at best ??? I need to see a book ..... sorry.wink said:......these are McDonnel Douglas ESCAPAC seats......Not sure what kind of chute would have appeared from an unoccupied seat. .....Can't imagine ejecting so late that the front seats didn't even get out. .....
Mefesto said:The command eject is to prevent two empty seats from going and wasting precious time, and or the trajectory being off from no body in it...