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Schedule Conflict- What are my Options?


Lawn Dart
Hi everyone. First, let me say that I have been reading this forum for a long time now, but this is my first post.
This fall I will be a freshman at the University of Cincinnati. Unfortunately UC didn't have a NROTC program, so I decided that I would enroll in AFROTC. I know this is a naval aviators forum, but I have found the best information about ROTC on this forum. I am a business marketing major and my schedule conflicts with the AFROTC's Lead Lab. As far as I can tell I cannot change the marketing class because my major requires it and I am also on a business scholarship. What are my options if I decide to keep the business scholarship?
I think that I could either join ROTC sophomore year, try to get into OCS (although this is probably hardest) after I graduate, apply for an Air National Guard wing after I graduate, or (correct me if I'm mistaken) try to double major and apply for BDCP. I would really appreciate any input.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Talk to your class adviser (in this case, the freshman class advisor/officer) and they can approve a second, alternate, more secret "Lead lab." Many have had the same problem before you.


Chicks Dig Rotors...
Talk to your class adviser (in this case, the freshman class advisor/officer) and they can approve a second, alternate, more secret "Lead lab." Many have had the same problem before you.

Confirmed. I've done it.


Professional Javelin Catcher
Talk to your AFROTC freshman advisor now. There may be an alternative they can work out for you (sophomore classes this year, freshman classes next year, etc.). Ultimately it's going to be up to them, but the sooner you start working with them, the sooner they may be able to come up with a solution that makes everyone happy. If you're absolutely dead set on going to UC, then the AF side really won't do much for you for getting a Navy commission except to show your motivation for joining the military (would look good in a package). You may be better off going the BDCP route if you're not going to try for an NROTC scholarship (not really an option if you plan to stay at UC). If they're paying for school, why not let BDCP pay you?


Lawn Dart
Thanks guys. I'll try that. I called the Det. today, but I could only speak with the secretary. She tried to say that I was out of luck b/c the whole Det. meets for Lead Lab, but said that I should call back later and talk to the Det.'s Lt. Col. I'll take your advice though. Thanks again.


Working Plan B
Hi everyone. First, let me say that I have been reading this forum for a long time now, but this is my first post.
This fall I will be a freshman at the University of Cincinnati. Unfortunately UC didn't have a NROTC program, so I decided that I would enroll in AFROTC.

[Words in betweeen]

I think that I could either join ROTC sophomore year, try to get into OCS (although this is probably hardest) after I graduate, apply for an Air National Guard wing after I graduate, or (correct me if I'm mistaken) try to double major and apply for BDCP. I would really appreciate any input.

Wait, I'm reading your post here, and I can't tell if you also actually had / have an interest in the Navy?

Pilot/Nav slots for Air Force OTS are supposed to be farther and fewer between than Navy SNA/SNFO OCS slots (when you consider BDCP anyways).

Getting into a Guard Wing can be WAY harder (scarcity and also due to the subjectivity; you "rush" the unit like a frat) than getting an OTS slot (scarcity).

You don't need a double major to do BDCP.

Just thought I'd clarify that, if it wasn't clear. :)


Lawn Dart
I was seriously considering NROTC but, as I've said, UC doesn't have a unit. Sorry about the misunderstanding about BDCP. I didn't really research it because I was bent on ROTC. Thanks for the clarification.


Active Member
Does UC have any cross-town agreements with another local university? If so, you might be able to do NROTC that way. If you start AFROTC and decide it isn't for you, feel free to stick it out as long as you want, but don't sign the contract or accept any scholarships (which means you will have to leave after Field Training at the very latest).

All the above information is correct. One thing that was left out was that BDCP is in the top 10 inventions along with breast implants, and electricity (my vote is to go BDCP).


go blue...
I'll second that, don't settle for something just because one option isn't available to you. There's BDCP and you could even consider transferring schools or applying to the Academy.

As far as the original question, there's always ways around something. If it were something like the NROTC calc or physics requirement and that certain mid HAD to take them THAT semester, the unit is understanding. If not, you can easily find a substitute course, or switch semesters in your grad plan.