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Scholarship %?

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Registered User
Just curious how many applicants there are for the scholarship nationwide and what percent are awarded it.


Active Member
Charles said:
Just curious how many applicants there are for the scholarship nationwide and what percent are awarded it.

The more appropriate questions to be asking are:

1. How many NROTC scholarship applicants will ask airwarriors.com members how many applicants there are and what percentage of them are accepted?

2. How many airwarriors.com members will jump the aforementioned NROTC scholarship applicants cases for asking a question of which nobody on airwarriors.com has any clue of the real answer?

3. How long, in number of posts, will thread continue before being closed by random moderator for being deemed not beneficial?

This is just for your info and may give you some insight on the types of information you can actually learn on airwarriors.com. Good luck with your application and potential acceptance.


Registered User
A rather rude and negative post to a fair question. If we all knew the answers we would bother coming here to exchange information. I thought it was a fair question, one I would like to know the answer to.


Auburn Aviation Hopeful
usually the acceptance rate varies due to the amount of scholarships availible for each year. it also varies on the competition you'll be up against. unfortunately, its getting harder and harder to pick up a scholarship simply cus the navy doesn't need that many J.O.s anymore.

and kray, the whole purpose of the website is to find out info and help eachother out. he asked a question, and people are able to help guide him in the right direction. just because this topic may not be beneficial to a SNA doesn't mean that it isn't beneficial to a high schooler, or a prospective MIDN.


Active Member
BadBobJr. said:
usually the acceptance rate varies due to the amount of scholarships availible for each year. it also varies on the competition you'll be up against. unfortunately, its getting harder and harder to pick up a scholarship simply cus the navy doesn't need that many J.O.s anymore.

and kray, the whole purpose of the website is to find out info and help eachother out. he asked a question, and people are able to help guide him in the right direction. just because this topic may not be beneficial to a SNA doesn't mean that it isn't beneficial to a high schooler, or a prospective MIDN.

That's pretty easy for you to say seeing as how you, the person asking the question, and the person who called my post, that was intended to be only a bit sarcastic, negative don't even have 10 posts to your name. The truth is, nobody on here can give any kind of useful answer to that question...... you included. The info you gave above wouldn't help anybody. At the most it might discourage someone from applying because the competition is getting so much harder, according to you.

You are correct about the purpose of this website, but it should be known that there is some information that can be found out of here, and then there's info that nobody on here could possibly have any clue about. Unless of course the Chief of Naval Education and Training is browsing our threads. Although possible, I highly doubt it. Hang around here for ahile, and you'll begin to see what that several questions of this type are asked. I did not call Charles an idiot, nor do I think he is one. In fact, I encourage his decision to apply to the Naval service, which by the way, may have commissioned too many JOs the last couple of years, but still does need new JOs. I understand his desire to know the answer to his question, but I think he, and others in his situation, should know that you're not going to find much help here.


Registered User
kray1395 said:
don't even have 10 posts to your name. The truth is, nobody on here can give any kind of useful answer to that question....
Some people pick and choose what they talk about. And btw the number of post is not necessarly equivalent to the amount of information that they can give. I'm starting to see everybodies tolerance towards newer members turning south because everybody has the same questions since they first got here, there is only so many questions you can ask about NROTC before theoritically that portion of the forum should be locked up. (I thought your original post was pretty funny though) (no malice intended in this post).


Active Member
Kycntryboy said:
Some people pick and choose what they talk about. And btw the number of post is not necessarly equivalent to the amount of information that they can give. I'm starting to see everybodies tolerance towards newer members turning south because everybody has the same questions since they first got here, there is only so many questions you can ask about NROTC before theoritically that portion of the forum should be locked up. (I thought your original post was pretty funny though) (no malice intended in this post).

Seriously, don't you just feel somebody right around the corner about to lock this thread??

BTW, I intentionally tried not to be negative in my reply.


Registered User
"...there is some information that can be found out of here, and then there's info that nobody on here could possibly have any clue about."

There are 8,858 members on this website and you, for reasons unknown, claim to be familiar with the depths of their knowledge and are apparently deeply familiar with what kind of information thousands of random people might have acquired or overheard. Thats impressive, good thing we have you around. And no, that information is not on the nrotc website or any navy site that I've found, thats why I asked.

This is just for your info, and may give you some insights on why you shouldn't waste time creating an annotated list and patronizing high school kids for asking perfectly legitimate questions. :)


A-Pool Junkie
The number of slots this year is directly proportional to the angle of the dangle which, as we all know, is indirectly proportional to the speed of the beat.

Dude, nobody knows for sure.


A more reasoned approach

To the person who walked into the hornet's nest with a legitimate inquiry about NROTC scholarships, I would offer the following perspectives:
- Indeed the nature of this web-site might be such that no one has a quantative answer to your question.
- You could make a visit to a Navy Recruiter and ask for the Officer Programs Officer (OPO). The OPO should be able to give you an answer.
- You could make a visit to an NROTC Unit and speak with one of the Officer Instructors who might be able to relate to you what he has learned in his dealings with CNET regarding number of scholarships vs number of applicants.
- In general terms, the number of scholarships is likely in the range 1100- 1300 annually. However, ask the OPO or NROTC Instructor if they have any data on number of applicants nation wide. For instance, the USNA will convey to the public that they get 20-26 applicants for each of their appointments annually. You can guess that CNET probably gets some number of applicants per scholarship in this general numeric vicinity - probably less.
- Ask the OPO or NROTC Instructor if the scholarships are apportioned by state, i.e., based on the percentage of high school age people in a state. Or are they awarded competitively on a nation-wide basis. I doubt this. The scholarships used to be apportioned by state but may no longer be.
- If an Officer Programs Officer or NROTC Instructor doesn't have any quantitative answers to your questions, not even anecdotal statistics, then they are probably avoiding a reply for some reason.
- If you are going to be influenced by these statistics, however, don't apply. They are interesting but not relevant if you want to seek a commission in the Navy. Like one of my flight instructors said, if you get a vector to four bogeys and only have 2 missiles (he was a Marine Phantom driver), you don't hesitate because the percentages look low in your favor.


Registered User
Thanks for making a genuine effort to help. And no, I'm not influenced by statistics, I was fortunate enough to have been awarded the scholarship in December and was as I said, "just curious" about what the competition really was. Sorry for overestimating the usefulness of this forum.
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