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school choices


I'm talkin, G-5...!
Hope that you applied to more than one school. They can sometimes put you on a waiting list for that school, but don't bet on it.


AEDO livin’ the dream
My scholarship was set up for Northwestern University but I didn't get in. It was a quick fix after I switched over, but I had already gotten into another NROTC affiliated school.


I'm not dead yet....
The application should have had you list four or five NROTC schools you wanted to attend. Saying you didn't get into any of them you might be able to give the NROTC units a call and they can sometimes help out. I know Oregon State loved taking Navy scholarship money and made getting those students accepted a priority, even if he or she was a little more of a risk academically than usual.
If it's too late to get in anywhere, you may be able to defer taking the scholarship for a year. I don't know how likely that is because the only time I've ever heard about it happening was when a guy got into a car accident and was injured pretty badly on the way to indoc week. They gave him a year to heal and get into a different school. Might work the same for you. Worst anyone can say is no.


Making Recruiting Great Again
what woul dhappen if you were able to get accepted for the scholarship but didnt make it into a school choice?

It depends. If you only applied to one NROTC-affiliated school, then you might be out of luck. If you applied to more than one, you should be able to attend the school you got accepted to.
I've heard of this happening but dang, if you had the credentials to earn the scholarship, I don't understand where you'd be lacking to be rejected from a university.


Cleveland Brown Fan
Along with Oregon State, Idaho and Washington State were similarly "helpful" towards Navy (STA-21 in my case) and Iowa State and The Citadel actually sent me unsolicited recruitment packages. Good Luck!!!


Registered User
I just got a 4yr scholarship to UCLA, but was denied to the school. This year was a RECORD number of applicants. I'm in the process of putting together an appeal package to reverse the admission decision, mainly focused on the fact that I recieved the scholarship specifcally for the school. Would it help to call the unit? Would they be able to put in a good word for me or something?


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Along with Oregon State, Idaho and Washington State were similarly "helpful" towards Navy (STA-21 in my case) and Iowa State and The Citadel actually sent me unsolicited recruitment packages. Good Luck!!!

There ya go, becoming a Coug is always a great choice! Im telling anybody out there, no better college town than Pullman. Alright, since about 3 people might know what Im talking about Ill shut up. :confused: :D


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
If anyone needs gouge on University of Missouri or Columbia College of Missouri Id be glad to help.