HELP!!! I have my ASTB on Tuesday (Feb 26th) and I am really struggling with this Mechanical Comprehension. When I say struggling I really mean drowning! I have three books that have proved useless in teaching me mechanical concepts. I have Barron's Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests, which was nice for introducing me to basics, the Cliff book which is terrible and the Arco 6th Edition which is decent, but I just don't understand this stuff. Some people say its just common sense, but if that be the case, then I'm retarded! I've taken General Physics I & II and did well, but I am literally getting 80% of these questions wrong. HELP me!!! I went to the site someone listed: but it just read ERROR. If anyone knows of any sites, practice problems or anything that would be GREATLY appreciated, otherwise if you feel a quake around 10:00 Eastern time this Tuesday that's probably just me screaming in upstate NY -- thanks if anyone knows anything.