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SECDEF NOM: Chuck Hagel


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Hagel is a solid pick. The opposition to him would've opposed anyone the president nominated. This stuff about him being anti-Israel is completely bogus--he just doesn't kiss AIPAC's ass as shamelessly as his peers. As far as the Iran thing, he's just affirming his membership in the "reality-based community," which few in Washington seem to be interested in lately.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
Works for me. I'l take a guy who earned two PHs as an infantry squad leader in combat pretty much every time...

I'm not saying that he's not a solid pick, in fact, I think he is.....but anybody can get shot.

It's not necessarily indication of any great wisdom or prowess.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that he's not a solid pick, in fact, I think he is.....but anybody can get shot.

It's not necessarily indication of any great wisdom or prowess.
But it IS an indication of "knowing the cost" of committing America's sons and daughters, yes? Think that's all I'm saying...


Agree with what Phrog has said, R1, you as well about the costs associated with the choices.

The only thing I'd add is this...regardless of your political flavor, the character attacks and assassinations being directed at the man are a shame. Not word one of his qualification, but plenty of "phobia-mongering" about his suspected "beliefs". Shame on the right and shame on us for allowing political discussion to devolve to this.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
But it IS an indication of "knowing the cost" of committing America's sons and daughters, yes? Think that's all I'm saying...

Concur. I just hear the "he's a hero, look...he has a Purple Heart" about so many people, when actually it's not evidence of heroism.

Everybody who signed on the line to join the military had some level of courage, otherwise they wouldn't have voluntarily joined and exposed themselves to the risk of death.

Like I said, anybody can get shot. You could get a Purple Heart on the shitter if you get hit with a mortar. That doesn't mean that you are any more or less courageous than anybody else.

That's like saying a guy is a great football player based on how many times he's been tackled.

In any event, I don't think that anybody is questioning the courage of Senator Hagel.

Mostly it's just more political bullshit. .

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
The only thing I'd add is this...regardless of your political flavor, the character attacks and assassinations being directed at the man are a shame. Not word one of his qualification, but plenty of "phobia-mongering" about his suspected "beliefs". Shame on the right and shame on us for allowing political discussion to devolve to this.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
...I just hear the "he's a hero, look...he has a Purple Heart" about so many people, when actually it's not evidence of heroism….In any event, I don't think that anybody is questioning the courage of Senator Hagel.
Sorry…just me…but I thought you were.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
But it IS an indication of "knowing the cost" of committing America's sons and daughters, yes? Think that's all I'm saying...

I wonder if you'd place guys like John Kerry or John Murtha in that same esteemed category? Don't get me wrong, getting WIA is no small deal, but these days, it's hardly a discriminator of character and getting fragged by an IED that happens to go off when you walk by doesn't necessarily require any heroism.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Concur. I just hear the "he's a hero, look...he has a Purple Heart" about so many people, when actually it's not evidence of heroism.
True! It was established by Gen. Washington originally as a valor award called "The Badge of Military Merit". Early in WWII, it was changed to PH strictly awarded only for combat wounds/death.