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Second Nork Nuke Test Coming?


In early December 2006, intelligence sources indicated activities were underway at the Mount Mant’ap nuclear test site near the village of Punggye-ri in North Hamgyŏng Province. The activities were first disclosed by South Korean National Assemblyman Chŏng Hyŏng-gŭn of the Grand National Party (GNP or “Hannaradang”) on December 21. Chŏng’s disclosure followed South Korean Defense Minister Kim Chang-su’s December 15th admonition to 30 senior military commanders “to be thoroughly prepared to counter the possibility of a second or third nuclear test by North Korea.” According to National Assemblyman Chong, North Korea had prepared two tunnels under Mount Mant’ap, and the October 9, 2006 test was conducted in a tunnel on the eastern side of the mountain while recent activities have been at the western tunnel. According to a South Korean government source, the movement of people and vehicles has been detected at the site, and the activities are similar to those that preceded the first test.


Boldly lick where no one has licked before
Other definitions of Nork:

Nork can mean:

Focusing on the last one:


Breasts. Australian slang. Derived from the prominent udders on the cow used to advertise Norco, New South Wales' North Coast Dairy Co-Operative.
Crikey! Check out the norks on that shiela!

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=norks :tongue2_1


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
raptor10, do not just cut and paste.

The value of the post is not the link, but rather what you have to say about it.

You comments please....

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
The value of the post is not the link, but rather what you have to say about it.

You comments please....
Teacher, teacher....you mean we have to have an original thought? Please don't make us.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Why yes. And when you can take the marble from my hand...

Intruder Driver

All Weather Attack
What? We don't call them slopes anymore? Norks??

The sad part about the closing of Subic/Cubi is a whole generation of naval aviators may never know the meaning of LBFM's.

Another sad part is the loss of Grande Island, shit river bridge, Magsaysay street, Old West #2, hearing the taxi drivers say "bi-neet-ti-con, come in," mongolian barbecue night at the Chuckwagon, Mama Jolo's, real mojo juice, San Miguels, lob and knob at the Samurai, etc., not to mention the awesome low levels and flying to the 180R/180 nm point to see the "Fantasy Island" falls.

Sorry to digress...


Super Moderator
What? We don't call them slopes anymore? Norks??

The sad part about the closing of Subic/Cubi is a whole generation of naval aviators may never know the meaning of LBFM's.

Another sad part is the loss of Grande Island, shit river bridge, Magsaysay street, Old West #2, hearing the taxi drivers say "bi-neet-ti-con, come in," mongolian barbecue night at the Chuckwagon, Mama Jolo's, real mojo juice, San Miguels, lob and knob at the Samurai, etc., not to mention the awesome low levels and flying to the 180R/180 nm point to see the "Fantasy Island" falls.

Sorry to digress...

There is still Thailand and all of its natural beauty for us present Naval Avaition types to enjoy........ahhhhhhh, Thailand.........;)


Okay I'll bite.

Why are the Norks/Slopes so intent on showing the world that they possess a credible nuclear weapon threat. If they only have six nuclear weapons, why detonate two of them?

The "classical" rationale for having nuclear weapons is for that of deterrence. But I doubt that anyone believes that Kim would ever use nuclear weapons, retaliation against him by the world community would be quick and harsh.

So Kim's nukes are in a sense impotent. Doubly so after the previous attempt to detonate a nuclear weapon which was deemed a "fizzle." So it sort of makes sense that Kim wants to prove that his nukes work.

But why? Is it national pride or personal, ego? Or something else more sinister? I ask because every now and then you hear something about "North Korean cargo ship boarded en route to Iran."

I guess my question is this: does anyone else think it is plausible that North Korea has proliferation on its mind, and these tests are directed at potential buyers?


Well-Known Member
Hard to understand for sure from a rational perspective. The country itself is fvckin wierd man. Everything, I mean everything, is oriented around that little Hollywood going leader of theirs, who to this day has said something like a total of 5 or ten words in public. IMO, all this nuclear stuff is purely muscle flexing on the part of a guy who's inferiority complex goes beyond anything rational. The entire culture of that country is based on that guy, starting from when kids are born. They dance around and sing songs about him in school. Facts of the world are twisted and ignored to make him look like the center of the universe. He wants nukes, he wants attention, he wants to be feared, but I don't think he wants to go to war with anyone.

there's my thought..


Boldly lick where no one has licked before
Why are the Norks/Slopes so intent on showing the world that they possess a credible nuclear weapon threat.

I think this has several implications to North Korea and enhancing their status in the word.

1) Once they become a true nuclear power (by building and successfully detonating a weapon), they hold status in the world many other countries do not have.

2) If North Korea has nuclear weapons, they are able to do far more damage if a war ever broke out than they can possible do now. The damage from three tactical nuclear weapons on US and South Korean forces could be a tipping point early in the game to cause us to back-off.

3) If Kim Jong-Il is ever on the brink of loosing power, he could launch them into Tokyo. The losses from a tactical nuclear bombardment of Japan could destroy the Asian stock market, halt exports from the region, and thus unstablize the world economy to a significant point. Just remember how bad the world economy was effected when Asia went into a recession.

4) If they can do it once, we won't know how many they will actually build and how many they truely have.

5) The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force.

Just a couple of thoughts on the implications. Please let me know what you think.

Intruder Driver

All Weather Attack
The little prick has always liked jabbing his finger in our eye, and we rarely call his bluff. Two Christmas Eve's in a row in the early 19080's, when I was in CAG-5 on USS Midway (forward deployed in japan), the slopes amassed on a frozen river that crosses into the south just a couple miles north of the DMZ, so what did we do? Of course, we deployed so we could be in place to attack.
Worse, it wasn't like he hung out long enough so that we could at least bag some traps while we were out. We trapped aboard and then, as Christmas Eve wound down, he stood down, we flew off, and the disruption of pulling in late on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day was complete. Just screwing with us because he knew we wouldn't ignore him. I'm sure it fed his ego. Same as today.