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Security Clearance

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Registered User
Hello to all! Just wondered if anyone encountered any problems with there security clearance application. I had a good bit of bad credit (charge card related )for a while but got it paid back. Any feedback on this issue?
Crank it up!


SNA Advanced, Meridian
You should be good to go, since you paid everything off. I just know that you can't file for bankruptcy. Where are you in your application process?


Registered User
I just got my kit out today. It's nice to hear you don't think it'll be to big of a deal. It's just got me worried a bit. Damn charge cards. They're easy to run up, but not so easy to pay back.
Crank it up!


Registered User
Don't worry about having a little bad credit thats just one thing that they look at when doing your security clearance. Obtaining a Secret clearance isn't as hard as what you might think. Your more likely to be turned down your for a clearance because of criminal backgroung or mental problems.


Registered User
Hello all! Does anyone actually know when they do the security check? My recruiter told me it is after you get selected and has no bearing on being chosen. He also said that if you are accepted you sign papers stating that if you don't pass your check that's the end of the line and the deals off. Any input on this for those who went through already?
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