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Send me to OCS


Registered User
Heres what is on my application:
Junior with a 2.52 GPA, I have not taken the ASTB but am studying, some good military and professor recommendations, currently national guard enlisted, father was a Navy pilot, I am working on my private pilot through the Navy flying club, haven't offically got the PFT but I will get a 300, eagle scout, junior enlisted council, etc..
my few problems are a low GPA and a misdemeanor on my record. I can get the misdemeanor expunged but does it matter? What is the procedure for a waiver and does that mean the board will not acknowledge the misdemeanor?

I am applying for the PLC 10 week OCS this summer, do I have any kind of shot?

Happy birthday USMC


Registered User
With a 300 PFT and prior service I would say you are a shoe in to get accepted to PLC/OCC normally, but it might be harder for a flight contract depending on your scores and background in applicable areas, plus there are roomers 192 might already be mainly full. If you really just want to be a Marine Officer and not necessarily a pilot send up a dual package for ground and you probably will get one of them. As for your GPA, I imagine it depends on the applicant pool. (I am applying for OCC myself).

Hope that helps.


Prospective Candidate for OCS
i got into PLC with a 2.3 gpa, 285 PFT 6/6/7 ASTB and 28 ACT Score/ 1350 SAT. And not nearly the extra ciriculars you have, eagle scout will help alot, private pilot wont help as much as you think, but its an extra ciricular none the less. You have a very good chance.


Registered User
he didn't list his scores, though

I guess what I meant to say is that I think he is probably a shoe in for a ground contract. I don't know about a flight contract - I just was offering my $.02 in case he was interested in ground too.



Registered User
OCC 192 is supposed to be closed to males because they are filling it with PLC guys according to who you talk to. Supposedly they are switching to preselection for OCC classes from now on. I was told there is "a slim possibility" for it still, but I don't really know what that means. Either way I am looking at frozen.

Good luck to all.


OCC-169 Grad
OCC-191 (Winter Class) will handle what OCC-190(Fall Class) doesn't handle in terms of the Marine Corps meeting its Officer accession goal (in particular males). OCC-192 (Summer Class) is planned to be a female only class. However, if there's not enough male applicants that make it through OCC-190 and OCC-191, then OCC-192 will open up to males, in order to make up for any shortfalls. The OCC-191 board goes November 2005 prior to Thanksgiving. I hope this helps.


Registered User
With a 300 PFT and prior service I would say you are a shoe in to get accepted to PLC/OCC normally, but it might be harder for a flight contract depending on your scores and background in applicable areas, plus there are roomers 192 might already be mainly full. If you really just want to be a Marine Officer and not necessarily a pilot send up a dual package for ground and you probably will get one of them. As for your GPA, I imagine it depends on the applicant pool. (I am applying for OCC myself).

Hope that helps.

Is 192 the OCC for the summer or is it PLC combined? I am applying for PLC combined this summer so I hope you do not mean that it is full? I Hope to have my application for submission before Christmas- will this be too late?


War were declared.
OCC-192 is independent of PLC-COMBINED. They go at the same time, and have nearly identical training schedules, but the manpower requirements are different. I graduated from the PLC-COMBINED course when OCC-180 was in session. It just so happened that OCC-180 was only open to air contracts and lawyers, but PLC-COMBINED had all types of contracts.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.